Look at you having to manufacture bullshit in order to justify your little hate boner.

Is the tolerant left in the room with you right now?

If it was for people like you, we'd still be working 14-hour days, die kn the job, and getting killed by Pinkertons. Bootlicker.

Oh, I didn't mean you had no right to complain. This still sucks. I meant that in their eyes you seemed to be doing "well enough" not to require immediate care. I hope things worked out for you.

I waited 20 mins last year with atypical pneumonia and it was packed. It's a priority system, man. The fact that you're complaining here doesn't really indicate you needing an immediate care response.

When I was at the ER last year wirh atypical pneumonitis, I waited 20 mins and it was packed. They work at a priority system. You ingrate.

There is nothing to grow back if the full gland is getting removed.

If you opt for a full gland removal, it can't come back. Maybe the surgeon is hesitant to do that since the chance for catering, etc. is higher?

Nah, you're just wei4dly running defense for someone grabbing genitals.

That's an absolute crazy physique. You already got the pointers for conditioning, etc.

You gonna post again to see how things go?

Oh, OK. Sorry, man. I thought you were going full parasocial.

Wait. Let me get this straight. You're complaining that someone else didn't give you enough notice to their wedding?

You good?

Damnit, I want that jacket. Anyone know the brand that I probably can't afford?