eBay or craigslist. Got one for 80€ two years ago.

They should release a remaster with these graphics in 2026 for the Switch 2 for the 20th anniversary.

my friends are immortalized through their PictoParty profile images :D

:de: Germany

Corinna May promoting "I can't live without Music" on German TV in 2002 (I thought it was catchy). I also watched part of 2003 because t.A.T.u. was performing.

Special Orders, Smash Tour, Event Matches and Coin battles.

There are five stages that aren't in Ultimate (Pyrosphere, Woolly World, Jungle Hijinxs, Orbital Gate Assault and Miiverse), most of which are pretty unique and fun.

Wii U also has Event matches. I spent quite a few hours in single player mode, unlocking all the characters and challenges. It's a pretty cheap game, so absolutely worth buying in my opinion.

twenty years later I look at the D3 and still think "wow this looks so cool and modern"

 "You emasculated him. Well, you're not gonna emasculate me." – "You don't even know what that means, you petulant sock puppet!"

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. In Order of the Phoenix you could explore Hogwarts with 3D graphics, and two years later they choose to port the 2D gameplay of the DS version to the PSP. (Order of the Phoenix isn't great either, but the bar went even lower.)

I watched the film ages ago without subtitles, but I got curious after reading the wiki entry. I googled for a translated transcript and ended up here. Thanks for your work, it was exactly what I was looking for!

:de: Germany

I didn't know this, for me it was just a generic extravagant Eurovision outfit. Thanks for sharing!

maybe because they'd like to discuss their favorite series with other fans? if this sub was better moderated it could improve a lot. it's still the best place for Desperate Housewives fans, there's not really an alternative.

maybe one of them has an unsexy leg

Check the other entrance of the town in the North, you might be standing at the wrong gate.

EDIT: Yeah, you have to go to the other side of the town. Look here:


Did you manage to jump over the fence with Epona? Next destination is Eldin Bridge. If a pathway is blocked, you can use bombs to destroy big rocks.

PS: If you change your Wii settings to 4:3, you can use all of your TV screen.