Oh jeez I’ll let Bill Gates know right away

No but the grocer stores are convenient, not really crowded even on Saturdays, and are stocked differently than your hometown. It is kinda fun to walk through an aisle of boogie boards.

Not really the answer you’re hoping for, but I guess I’m saying you could view going to Harris Teeter or Piggly Wiggly as part of the experience. I do.

You cannot use Japan as an example. It does not exist in isolation. They leverage ultra cheap labor from all over the world.

When is next season
Moderator removed post

Similar experience. Took a year of sobriety. You’ll get there.

9 is quite large. Inquire at the fishing shop at south beach. Blue water Bait and Tackle? I think is the name

A bit confused by your phrasing (my fault I bet) but the advice I’ve always heard is : just pick a name and stick to it.

Bro read your writing style. You sound unhinged and your facts don’t even add up.

No lawyer is gonna charge you 20k. You are just wrong.

OR MAYBE I should write LIKe yOU DO

Have you ever considered your terrible attitude is a factor?

Your lawyer fee comment could not be more wrong.

Most charge a flat fee per application. Others can be consulted for 30 minutes for a couple hundred.

We use a legal service that connects us with lawyers for $60/question.

You pay 200k a year in taxes but you can’t afford a lawyer and your salary is 70k

You are surprised by random checks, but don’t have any form of ID.

You refuse to contact your representatives

None of this makes sense.

Shhhh you aren’t allowed to make criticisms

My wife couldn’t work for years. It’s pretty common.

Oh yes, so 12 games that are in the garbage. And 1 game that is their bread and butter.

And what did they decide to do with the bread and butter? Completely change it and charge people again for it.

Awesome. OK.


I tried a sequel to a game. I didn’t like it. Provided opinion. Stopped playing demo almost immediately

HiRez has launched 6 games. 5 of them are absolute shit. The 7th is looking pretty dog shit so far

Maybe they should be more careful making changes to the only game that has ever had even a small amount of sucess

Uproar? They said for people to share their feedback

They said themselves it would be the same smite we know and love.

It’s not.

Ya, they changed 1 thing at a time. This is a massive change overnight

Smite 2 does not follow its stated goals

I had reservations when Smite 2 was announced, especially given the ambitious promises made about the game. Here are some of the key claims from the developers compared with my experiences:

  1. Game Mechanics and Faithfulness to Original Game:

    • Developer Claim: Smite 2 is intended to be a better version of the original, retaining its essence while improving every aspect.
    • Reality: The game diverges significantly from its predecessor. The introduction of new mechanics, like double the number of teleporters and mandatory use of beads/ward, as well as changes to lane sizes and the addition of hiding grass, makes it feel more like other MOBAs and less like the unique Smite experience we loved.
  2. Platform Compatibility and Player Experience:

    • Developer Claim: Designed to offer an excellent experience on keyboard and mouse, controller, or SteamDeck, asserting superiority over other MOBAs in platform versatility.
    • Reality:
      • Controller Play: The increased number of active items requires frequent and complex button presses, making gameplay uncomfortable and straying from the relaxed, couch-friendly MOBA it once was. This complexity alienates many console players who enjoyed the game's more accessible aspects.
      • Accessibility: The game has moved away from being approachable for newcomers, particularly those on consoles who enjoyed it for free.
      • Support for Platforms: Discontinuing support for the Nintendo Switch contradicts the claim of universal platform enhancement.
  3. Visuals and Performance:

    • Developer Claim: Leveraging Unreal Engine 5 for immersive next-gen visuals.
    • Reality: While the potential for stunning visuals exists, the actual performance on average PCs and consoles leads to graphical issues like tearing. The graphics, as they currently stand, are jarring and detract from the gameplay experience.

Conclusion: The changes in Smite 2 were presented as minimal and necessary technological evolutions that would include console players and enhance visual appeal. However, the overhaul in gameplay mechanics, the decreased accessibility for console players, and the underwhelming graphical performance suggest a significant departure from these promises. If Smite 2 remains as it is now upon release, I, along with many in my online group, are considering moving on from the game.

This feedback reflects my honest experience and observations. I understand if some may disagree, but addressing these issues is crucial for the community moving forward.

There’s a very good chance it came off while driving.