We had only one and he would get yelled at for taking a brief moment to catch his breath no matter the weather.

He was always outside and getting shafted from all directions. I would do my best to help until a random new rule came into play that I wasnt allowed to help him AT ALL.

Management learned the hard way that I dont care what they thought when I kept calling them to help our loader out with everything. The rule soon after disappeared and I wasnt bothered again

We had only one and he would get yelled at for taking a brief moment to catch his breath no matter the weather.

He was always outside and getting shafted from all directions. I would do my best to help until a random new rule came into play that I wasnt allowed to help him AT ALL.

Management learned the hard way that I dont care what they thought when I kept calling them to help our loader out with everything. The rule soon after disappeared and I wasnt bothered again

I got one and asked if the pro-loader or the lumber cashiers got one when I was told no they don't deserve one I threw it in the counter and refused to wear it.

This was during the height of covid too

Kindly tell him that his turn is only 6 seconds ingame. And needs to have a chant within that time.

If he is doing a ritual, that would in theory be fine as rituals take several turns.

If he still takes a minute for a chant have the monster(s) roll for an attack of opportunity, and explain that is his punishment ((I understand that this would be a HIGHLY unpopular opinion but I did this and it only took one session to stop him, and yes we are still friends))

The biggest question is, why do you still care enough to feel guilty.

Happened to me only once when I had a severe case of food poisoning. MF didnt ask if I wa alright just the normal, "well your putting more work on your coworkers"

I didnt say anything just thought that no one else EVER worked my department then hung up

I had something similar happen.

No one around around me and I was wearing a shield.

one of them started to shoot me as a dodged as a human would NOT an AI and he not only laughed it off but also played innocent. The rest of the team was on his side.

So instead of continuing to argue I was killed on purpose. I just grabbed all of the samples I could (and had all of the Ultra Samples too) and dived into the water.

Told them to have a great day and left

I dropped in at the same moment the other 3 members got wiped and I was the only reinforcement.

The team was ecstatic that I was dropping in and was cheering me on to survive and extract on my own. I refused and held the line. We extracted with a full team.

Instantly got 3 friend invites and a invite to a private discord server.

It was great. Oh and we got all of the dropped samples too. Nothing like a last stand on a Helldive fighting the automatons

Yeah we have one loaded passed it capacity and acts like its half full

At my workplace we have a handful and they are great to have

Always took a break and lunch my car

Fuck the break room, when I'm on break I'm on break not still on call

Sounds like he is an ass in general in my opinion.

I mean I can understand telling dozens of customers within an hour about it but only 5 customers in 5 hours? Yeah seemed he didnt want to be there that day.

At the store I worked at we were up to our necks in samples....wish we had a free sample day it would clear the top shelf up a lot

Assassin's Creed the very first one.

Was borrowing it from a friend since he wouldnt leave me alone about it.

Played and was somewhat enjoying myself didnt like the story but gameplay was fairly solid. Then I saved and quit, when I came back my save file was corrupted which angered me.

Deleted it went through it again, got to the same spot but play led a little longer saved, came back save was corrupted again.

After the third time this happened, I quit never came to the series again.

Mind you this was like the last third of the game every time, I only know that because I looked it up

It's your world.

Just because something works in one world doesnt mean it'll work in another.

I was in a similar situation before when a player wanted to reprogram a droid (starwars) and I ruled that it wasnt possible. The player stated that they have before in other games, and I told them that even though the droid shares the same name doesnt mean it's exactly the same.

Luckily we moved on from that


Now get to Liberating Diver and deliver Freedom to our Super Earth's that hate Managed Democracy, the galaxy needs you!!!

Oh I know. Which is why I run much more difficult campaigns.

Oh that goblin is a CR 1 well now it's a CR 4 and there are 6 of them have fun with your level 2 min-max characters

I try to be fair because a lot of times their is occasionally the one player that doesnt make such a character or there is someone new. So my options are limited.

.....ok I might be stupid here but Zelds has always been a girl since 1986.....

Starfinder can be pretty brutal on itself at times(depending on the campaign and GM of course). Just makes things easier to deal with without breaking the game

To not make min-max characters?

I have on several occasions, making the claim that such characters are somewhat unrealistic or just makes everything less fun. The reply I got back was "but it's not fun to make such normal characters".

That was when I started using the point buy system on any TTRPG but at least Starfinder fairly thought out IMHO.

I personally dont like to see characters that do everything from great to ok. I want variety and I would like for my players to actually FAIL a save or ten.

I wish my group played weaker characters on purpose but they like to min-max everything

And they wonder why I enforce point buy on ALL of my games.

The eye care is pretty solid

Got two glasses (normal wear and sunglasses) for less than 400. Normal price was somewhere in the 2000 to 3000 range

Basic home tool kit

Drill Driver Impact Driver (These can be bought together at times)

Drill bits Driver bits (I highly recommend the DeWalt 4 pack which has 100 peices for fairly cheap)