Bubbles would go full on Green Bastard on him.

Send your scientific findings over to Harvard. I'm sure they'll mail you your honorary medical degree within 12 to 14 business days.

Send your scientific findings over to Harvard. I'm sure they'll mail you your honorary medical degree within 12 to 14 business days.

"But a guy wakes up to his horse's head in his bed!!!" So what? I can get you a toe, dude.

A redditor sourcing original content?


I'm drunk, didn't read the subreddit, and my first thought was making a philosophers stone from fma.

You had a dozen "forced" vaccines before grade school. You aren't digging up a hidden agenda from doctors. You're a fool

You're getting owned after every comment you make. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad

If you have to ask, you can't afford it

I would, but I like this subreddit, and I don't want to be banned

Sailor Jerry should've done a better job, you say? That's the dumbest take I've ever heard. 🙄

Did you make these yourself? They're fantastic