This if you want to know what good Memphis bbq tastes like. Get the ribs and use their dancing pigs sauce

The hair, too!! Amy always has perfect curls that last all day long, and Kelly looks like she’s about to star in a pageant. Minimum wage workers don’t have the time and resources to keep their hair looking like that all day, everyday- good products cost $$$

Exactly this. She also acts like she’s too private to post her children, but she peppers them into her IG posts anyway. If she really cared about their privacy, we wouldn’t know what they looked like, like Kourtney with Rocky. But Kylie just wants them to be exclusive so they’ll get more likes when she does actually post them. It’s all about appearing mysterious while actually being very much in the spotlight.

That me and one other person he knows are the most thoughtful people he’s ever met. That really made me feel good.

Haha yes! There’s one where a lady sniffs a candle and then just chomps into it and puts it back on the shelf. Those little scenes sum up the ridiculous behavior of people in big box stores

Yes! I’m not a big pink person but it’s so bright and fresh. The other colors are too dark

I don’t think they’re ugly af but I definitely would have a big fear of scratching my own eyeball 👀

Make a little gallery wall using the art on the wall shelves, do it where that big blank white canvas is. Then you can put a little plant and some decor on the shelves. Hang the other art on that blank wall over the cabinet. And as other said, get all warm bulbs that match

They were first on my list to call, just gotta wait for them to open, thanks!

I hate driving 😂 but I will if I have to, so thanks for the suggestion! Googling them now

Whoa! That’s huge! I was hoping to go local but that’s always an option, thanks

Whoa! Those are super cool. I’m not looking to drop that much $ on it, but I’m going to remember that for the future

Just called and they are sold out 🥲 the guy was super nice though, so it’s on my list for garden stuff in the future

I’ve seen this video so many times, and I still have to watch it every time it comes across my feed. Even this cheesy music can’t ruin it for me, I love both of their reactions so much, you can just feel the love they have for each other in just a few seconds.

Ok Toot Toot is amazing and I’d die for her but DONT SET YOUR LAPTOP NEXT TO A FIRE

I really wish she didn’t get the buccal fat removal. She looks like a trout

What!! I gotta see this. She’s one of my husband’s island OGs