I chose the wrong issue to make any statements on. I have zero issues with the lgbt+ folks. I hate politics and that’s its own separate issue.

No I’m saying party 1 doesnt exist. The two party system is broken and a giant waste. Amount of money spent on campaigning is outlandish and nothing good happens. Trump won and everyone bitches about it. Biden wins and everyone bitches about it. I was born when Reagan was in office: guess what, everyone bitched. Then it was bush 1. Then Clinton. Then bush 2. Then Obama, then trump then Biden. I’m not sure anything much good happened when any of them won but I sure can recall a ton of shit being talked. The country is as divided as it’s been since civil war. I’m not pretending to know the answers but I promise no one on either party has the answer. Go ahead and prove it if you do. My guess is you can only point out what the other party lacks.

I hate politics. I hate that there’s a two party system and both parties suck. Both parties would be much happier meeting someone of the other party so they can point out how ridiculous they are rather than meet someone who supports them. It’s not about standing up for what we believe in nearly as much as pointing out what you believe in is stupid. God I hate politics.

Boxer and German shepherd

Yo I’m gluten free and would love those. I always appreciate anyone going out of their way for me

Put tinfoil on the counter. Be firm with that rule. Give her toys to play with. Also attention. She will get older and more mature inside of a year. If you can’t do it with her post and get her adopted.

I hope so. I already love her just from the pics

This is the key. If it’s super busy just stick to what’s known or ask one quick “do you have….?” But then move on. If it’s not busy most any bartender will go to lengths to please you….kinda like a challenge to them. If they make your dream drink you better fucking tip immediately and you’ll get more:

My doggo used to get so mad when we left. He’d pee and poop and roll in it. He was a flawless dog other than this. Fortunately one of us worked from home so we were there 99% of the time. We even tried doggy daycare and my moms house and he peed and pooped and rolled in it at both places.

I’d leave a letter that essentially states: I’m leaving and moving to another state. I’m not telling you where on purpose. You’ve controlled and abused me my entire life and I’m done with that treatment. I’m with someone who loves me and that is that. IF you respect my wishes and don’t try and find me or contact me I might consider allowing you back in my life but that won’t be for years. I’m aware that this means the door is closed meaning I can’t come back and get help but please respect it’s closed on you. I have informed police about my situation regarding abuse and control and they encouraged me to get a restraining order. I will get that and press charges immediately if I see or hear from you.

If you don’t leave a letter they may just think you’ve been abducted, or went on a hike alone and died, or possibly ran away and they will try and look for you. The letter tells them you’re purposefully gone and that you will involve the cops if they come looking. Be very crystal clear in your letter. The more information you provide the less chance they’ll want to come asking questions. Make damn sure they know they’re the reason you left and their abuse is the reason you won’t tell them where.

He is a great doggo!! 15 years is a long time for a dog I’m thrilled for you that you got to enjoy him for that long. He’s going to a better place because, as we all know, all dogs go to heaven!!

Very well said. Add to it educational system is fucked. What’s crazy is there are 100 people in America whom control so much of the money and could solve basically all these problems if they weren’t such greedy dickheads. My friend is one of the “bring on the collapse” people because he thinks a Robin Hood situation will take place.

That’s one of the most heartbreaking things I’ve ever heard. I’m not giving my kids bouncy balls unless I’m there to observe for the same reason

Exactly. That’s why he got 34 counts against him, it all evens out. Had it been 33 or any odd number he’d be fucked