Jesus fuck.

Mark my words, this will be the biggest landslide of an election since ‘84 if Biden remains.

He won’t win a SINGLE battleground state. Trump might take 370 delegates or more.

Yikes, huge fucking yikes to the establishment democrats. It’s like they don’t like winning, that’s how bad this looks.

Too much immigration too quickly. This is not rocket science.

When people see the landscapes of their communities change drastically in very short amounts of time, they become scared and then ultimately angry and bitter. That anger and bitterness represents vulnerability to the messages of fascistic movement which promise to help them “reclaim their culture/land/heritage.”

You want to blame anyone, blame Angela Merkel and every other western political leader like her who didn’t understand (or didn’t care) about this dynamic, and just opened the doors to their countries to people from very different places and cultures.

I don’t believe that for a second. Barack was the most talented and charismatic politician of the last fifty years or so, and he STILL shed as much as 4% of his potential due to racism. (See the book Everybody Lies for a deeper analysis on the subject.)

In addition to racism, she would be battling sexism and the perception of nepotism.

J Carver’s, Red Ash, Tataya, Uchi/Uchiko, Kome, Artipasta (ambience is shit, food is 10/10), Birdie’s, Santorini Cafe.

We are united in recent misery, that’s for sure.

He’s the maestro of Texas BBQ, no doubt about it.

And the wait is worth it. Everyone’s happy, you get some tacos and drink beer in the line, make friends, weather is usually great. All part of the fun.

If you’re in line by 9, you’ll eat by like 12:15-12:30.

If you’re in line by 7, you should be amongst the first in when they open at 11.

Agreed. Italian summer, especially southern Italy, is like a Texas summer.

“Are you gonna find these guys, or you know, you got any promising leads or…?”

“Leads? Yeah, sure. I’ll just check with the boys down at the crime lab. They got four more detectives working the case. They got us working in shifts!”

Salon is such a freaking joke. No shit, this list of symptoms was included in the description of what a person who is descending into dementia from the article you just cited as evidence that Trump is declining:

“ * Changes in speech patterns with many fewer and simpler words (decline in vocabulary) with fewer adjectives and adverbs. * A decline in cognitive focus on speech subjects with incomplete sentences and an inability to focus on a topic long enough to complete a sentence when not reading from a teleprompter. * Difficulty pronouncing words, word substitution and nonsense words – known as paraphasia * Tangential thinking where the topic switches mid-sentence to some unrelated topic. * Frequent repetition of words and phrases as if his mind is stuck in a loop. * Disinhibition and an inability to control verbal outbursts.”

Not a whiff of irony.

Did you miss the part where I said I make about what they make? Yeah, pure greed.

You fucking idiot.

Live about 8 minutes from there. Can confirm.

Texas vs Bama in 2009.

One team went on to win five more national championships in the ensuing decade, and the other…did not.

7 years of looking for the “right” opportunity? No.

Also, you don’t know shit about how to lead people if you think this is delusion. Tell me you’ve never built a team without telling me you’ve never built a team.

The one at Tech Ridge in Austin, no shit, could be a top-10 BBQ spot in the whole state. The brisket is just melts, it is so moist. Amazing smoked turkey, too.
