I'm concerned that some independent voters are going for Trump now though.

Renting a DVD was better for watching a movie on streaming, Now you need Disney+, Netflix, Max, Peacock and Hulu and possibly more to see everything.

I do prefer streaming for shows though.

Meanwhile the boomers keep voting for tax cuts for the rich.

It's ironic that them trying to keep the show from being gross ended up making people come up with even grosser theories.

It reminds of the movie Pleasentville which satirizes 50's sitcoms. At one scene there's a stall with no toilet in it.

I don't get why Rowling couldn't just come up with enchanted camber pots though, I mean Dumbledore straight up said the room of requirement could generate them so I don't see why the dorms and maybe a few other rooms wouldn't have had those.

I'd like to hope the site overloaded and had a server issue but I strongly doubt it.

I started laughing when Trump said that babies who had already been born could still be aborted. Sadly his base is dumb enough to believe it though.

Disaster, they need to switch Biden NOW there's no way he's going to make it through a 2nd term.

And Trump and his Project 2025 is straight up Fascism.

Sandy this is exactly how I predicted it would go.

It's insane that two people who are old enough to be great grandfathers are running for president.

Cool, will the kids get to read about Lot's daughters raping him and Onan cumming on the ground?

I don't find sports or other people playing video games interesting to watch.

How would anybody even know if you two had sex or not anyway?

I wouldn't trust a poll from Fox News that says Biden is winning anyway, I don't see how anybody who would consider a democratic would watch that station.

I think Fox is trying to scare their viewers into voting.

Trump made a lot of bigots feel like they didn't need to hide anymore. Hate groups have expanded massively since he took office. Also I remember a bunch of dumb republican conspiracy theories during Obama (FEMA camps, Wal-Mart concentration camps and Obama being a secret Muslim who wasn't born in the US) but the conspiracy theories they are into now seem to have spread through more of the party now. For example Qanon and the election being rigged.

Social media driving everybody into echo chambers was also a huge factor.

That's the republicans goal, it means more votes for them. Ironically China's economy will definitely surpass ours with us all being idiots though.

It talks about her masturbating at one point (because guess teens have never hit puberty in republican land and thus don't know what that is) and she gets a crush on the girl at one point. Just like the Nazis, republicans hate LGBT people.