Looking for streaming headset with good audio quality, wireless preferred, and MUST have a metal headband

I'm a streamer, but I've never been able to find a good headset that works for my needs. I have sensitive ears, so a metal headband that I can adjust for a loose fit is essential. It also can not be the type with the little nubs that go into your ears. Those are very uncomfortable for me.

I also have a cat with Pica, which is a disorder that causes him an uncontrollable need to chew, which is why I want something wireless. His favorite thing to chew are cables, and while I can get around this by wrapping it with yarn(ironic, I know), it's also clunky and a huge hassle. I'd also really like something that has a mute button, cause otherwise I just end up sneezing right into people's ears, and that's no fun at all.

I'm expecting to get $110-120 next month from my YouTube payout, so something under $100 would be preferred. Any suggestions?

I'm a special needs child myself. Autistic and ADD. My egg donor denied anything was ever wrong with me, while my father accepted me, and ensured I got the help I needed. Check for programs that help disabled kids and their families. And remember, while your children will need extra help, they're not dumb. I had friends growing up who had Downs Syndrome, but they were still able to play, get through school, and even get jobs. It CAN be done, it just takes more work than with most other kids.

As for your two eldest, there was an episode of Supernanny where Jo helped a family with a non-verbal Autistic child, and his sister who wasn't getting enough attention. I highly recommend checking it out. Just go to YouTube and search "Supernanny Autism," and it's the 1st video that shows up. The family's name was Facente. There's also a playlist on the channel specifically with videos where Jo helps families with special needs kids. You should be able to get lots of great advice there.

Rise actually gets a skill that just reveals all enemies affinities

What is it about Keith Silverstein that he just has to play the world's most evil dads? He also played Prof Tomoe from Sailor Moon, and Jigen in Boruto

Absolutely play P4G. You will absolutely adore Nanako-Chan, and there are even a few P3 Easter eggs

I mean... maybe if you sped through the dialogue, and didn't do any social links?

Not that I know of. The fleas were still just as bad up until the day I moved. Made sure to wash all my clothes and kept anything that could potentially still have fleas or eggs inside trashbags for a few months. From the day I moved, I never saw another flea again.

I don't think she was doing it to intentionally harm me or Domino, no. We barely ever spoke to each other. It was just neglect on her part.

People do that all the time. There are plenty of parents who love their kids more than anything, but give them up because they're not able to take care of them. They do it for the sake of the kids, to have a better life. There are even stories right here on Reddit about kids who were given up, grew up, and found their birth parents who never wanted to make that choice.

There's a difference between giving up a child/pet because you don't want the burden, and giving them up because it's the best thing for them.

They really didn't care about animals there. They even limited some of the stuff I could do. I wanted to spray outside my apartment, but they said I could only do treatment inside. Every other apartment complex I've spoken to afterwards said they would absolutely cover flea treatment. They still didn't want to do anything, even after Domino was no longer with me. Even with me getting eaten alive myself.

I did get moved though, and was extremely careful before getting another cat. Haven't seen a single flea since the first day after moving, and waited several months after before looking to get another.

I would agree IF I had actually said she should give up her kid. I never said that. I only said that me giving up my cat soley for the monetary cost of flea treatment would be the same as her giving up her son for the monetary cost of helping his foot. I never said she actually SHOULD get rid of her kid, only that she needed to understand that me gitting rid of my cat because I didn't want to care for him was simply not an option.

Sorry, I thought I said. I gave him to a no kill shelter, since I knew senior cats are hard to adopt, and he'd likely get put down anywhere else. The point was to save his life, not end it.

AITBA for "suggesting" my boss give up her son, after she told me to give up my cat?

When I was 14, my dad adopted me this adorable black and white cat that I named Domino. He was my baby, and got me through so much in both my high school, and young adult life. He was there for me when we were living with my neglectful step-mom, when I'd come home from my abusive mother's, the fear of my father's battle with self-harm, and the uncertainty of moving out on my own. He was my rock through it all. I loved him more than anything, and would do anything for him.

Well, after circumstances happened, we ended up living in this apartment complex near my work. Things were great for a while, until about 5 months into our second year. We got a new neighbor, and this neighbor had an adorable little dog. For context, our building was basically 4 apartments in a row, with 4 more behind us. Mine was at the end on the corner, and her's was right next to me. She would always take her dog across my front yard to right behind my corner to do his business.

Well, not long after she moved in, I started noticing that Domino was getting fleas. I of course did everything I could to get rid of them. Flea treatments, medicine, chemicals, you name it. And let me tell you, it was COSTLY. I was spending more money on flea treatment than I was on food and utilities. But, the money wasn't nearly as important as getting rid of these little monsters to ensure my baby boy's health.

Unfortunately, nothing I did was making a dent in the fleas, and it kept getting worse. I wouldn't find out until later that it was my neighbor depositing the fleas on my doorstep, as she was doing nothing to get rid of them on her end. So, not only were they coming through every little crack they could find, but she was also depositing them on my doorstep every time she took her poor dog out to do his business. And it certainly didn't help that the complex wanted nothing to do with flea treatment for pet owners, as they would only provide treatment for non-pet owners.

I was talking to my co-worker about the money I was spending, and my boss overheard. She joined in on the conversation and said "You're spending so much on a cat. Why don't you just get rid of it?" This really upset me, as Domino wasn't just a pet. He was as much family as my father and siblings. I told her as such, and told her that me giving up my cat because of fleas, would be like if she gave up her son cause of his club foot. (She'd been complaining about how much money it was costing her to get this fixed)

She did not like this, and how dare I suggest she would give up her child over something like that! I told her that I wasn't suggesting it, I was just letting her know that me giving up my cat just because treatment was costly, would be the same as her doing that exact same thing to her son. She said it wasn't the same, because her son was a human being, and Domino was "just a cat." I dropped it, cause arguing with her just wasn't worth it.

I did eventually have to give him up after suggestion from the vet, but not because of how much it was costing me. The fleas had gotten so bad, that they were now a danger to his health. It was the hardest decision I ever had to make, but was a senior cat, and he wouldn't make it to the end of my lease for me to be able to move. My vet let me know that with everything we were doing having such little effect, it was the best thing for him. I cried so much that day, and even writing this out now has me tearing up.

I've told other people this story, and while most people think what I said to my boss we perfectly justified, others feel the comparison just was unjustified. So, am I the bad apple for comparing my cat to her son?

:Marichat: Marichat

I don't think she's irredeemable, but I also don't see her ever being redeemed. She would have to choose that for herself, and Chloe is not in the right mindset to make that choice. She was raised to believe there would never be consequences to her actions due to her social status. She doesn't understand how the real world works, mainly due to how her parents raised her. Her father raised her to believe that the world was owed to her, and her mother raised her to believe that she was only woth something if she acted the way she does. If Chloe were to ever be redeemed, she would need to hit rock bottom first.

AITBA for accusing my company of being too afraid to fire minorities?

I know the title sounds bad, but let me explain.

I used to work for a well known food chain. We'll call them Shake n Steak, or SnS for short. To be clear, I don't think these people deserve to be fired because of their age or ethnicity, but because of their attitude.

We had 3 Hispanic guys who were always half an hour late to their shifts. Without fail, if you saw them on the schedule for 6pm, they would be there at 6:30. Our GM even asked one of them why he was always late, and she was told he needed the time to change from his other job. Fair, but when she adjusted the schedule to have him come in at 6:30, he doesn't show up until 7. The other two were like this too, and one of them really made mornings hard, as it was just me and my GM in the mornings. She would just excuse it as "it is what it is", and would give no disciplinary action what-so-ever. Apparently, they couldn't afford to replace them in 2016.

One day, one of them came in late like usual, and and when a different manager asked him why he was late, his only excuse was "I'm always late." My manager sent him home right then and there, and just ran his station himself, but then was chastised by the other managers for it. That same guy was also flirting with another Hispanic girl constantly in Spanish, and then deny it thinking no one else could possibly speak the language. Mind you, the guy was married with a kid.

Now, to be clear, this isn't a Hispanic vs white thing. That girl I mentioned, along with 2 other Hispanic workers were both hard workers who were pleasant to be around, and always on time.

Sadly, they weren't the only problem people either. We also had 2 older (white) waitresses, who were a huge pain to deal with. They were constantly yelling at us in the back, accusing us of being lazy, and even sticking their bare, unwashed, and ungloved hands into the food. We asked them several times not to do that, but they'd just get mad at us because "they're just trying to help." They were a mother and a daughter, and they were known for abusing everyone in the back. The daughter even caused a girl to quit on her very 1st day, and turned on me when I tried to defend the poor girl.

Last was a 3rd shift worker, who was not only older like the two waitresses, but also black. I'll call her Ester. When I would work 3rd shift with her, she would usually average 10-20 minutes to make a single burger. That's not an exageration either, because the times were tracked, and CONSTANTLY in the red. But, if I tried to help her, she would yell me that she never asked for my help. Yet, if I DID NOT help her, I'd also be yelled at for not helping, even though she would never ask. There was a night where we had a really bad bar rush, and afterwards I told her I'd be doing dishes, and to call me if she needed me. I then get an order in drive thru, which she does actually tell me to make myself. As I'm making it, I hear a couple at the counter saying they ordered a chilli mac FOURTY FIVE minutes ago. Mind you, it takes 2 minutes tops to make. I let them know I'll make it for them once I'm done with my order, and Ester finally gets it to them while I'm handing my order out. I then hear another couple complain about their wait, so I call my manager and ask for permission to give discounts as a courtesy. She gives me permission, and I discount the two couples, and 1 other table. That's it. Next day, I come in and find out that Ester has told everyone that I was abusing manager numbers, and giving out discounts to anyone who complained even a little. It was for junk like that, that we couldn't keep a night staff, because no one wanted to work with her.

Any time I would complain about those 6, management would give the exact same excuse. "We can't afford to replace them." Mind you though, they got rid of a white dishwasher with no explanation, and he was never late, and known for being the fastest at his job. So, somehow, our best dishwasher is replaceable, but these people who show up late and make work so misserable that people quit aren't? Yet, anytime I mention their ages or ethnicity, people tend to cringe. So, AITBA for thinking they should have been fired?

:Marichat: Marichat

Gabriel. I'm just gonna hang out with Nathalie, and we can talk about relationships, while I constantly hint that she can do so much better. I'll also be sure to remind her all the time of how lucky Adrien is to have her, and hopefully convince her to take Adrien and just leave.

That actually reminds me of one of my favorite memories from that store. I was out doing credit cards, and I passed by a couple with a toddler throwing a tantrum. I ask real quick if they minded me distracting her, and then started doing my Minnie Mouse impression. I complimented her pretty Minnie shirt, and she almost instantly lit up. Only took a few minutes to get her happy and smiling. I passed by them a few more times, and she was still fine. I then got called back up front, and they came through my line. She was still perfectly fine. Just knowing that I was able to turn that shopping trip around for them really made my day.

I have, but every daycare near me requires a degree in childcare, and I just can't afford school. I love kids though, and absolutely love making them smile. I didn't want to go too far into it in this story, but I would use those voices I mentioned to distract kids in line, to keep them from getting into the toys and candy we had out in the isle. It was a great way to give the parents a bit of a break, and sometimes I was even able to get kids out of tantrums by just talking to them as Mickey Mouse. They're tired and bored, their parents are tired, and it doesn't take a parent to know that parenting is a hard job on it's own.

Am I the bad apple for letting a parent know that her child is running off?

So, this happened a while ago, but I still think about it every so often, and I honestly can't figure out what I did that was so wrong about this. But, I'm also Autistic, and though I try not to, I know I sometimes unintentionally do/say things that come off as inappropriate to others, so I figured I'd ask a bunch of random strangers on the internet.

I used to work at a grocery store. Not Mal-Wart, but very similar, and there was a mechanical horse up front we called Sandy. The kids loved it, and even people without kids would often leave pennies at the base, since Sandy only cost 1 cent to ride.

I was a cashier, but before this I worked as a sub at a church daycare. I love kids, love learning about child psychology and behavior, and the best part of my day was distracting the bored kids with my Mickey Mouse and Pokemon impressions. Parents normally love me because of this, and my managers encouraged it too.

Well, this mother came through my line with her young kid. Probably around 3 or 4, and he clearly had a lot of energy. His mom, completely ignoring him, then starts going on about how much of a hard time she just had. Turns out, her kid had wandered away from her while she was shopping, and she had to get store staff to help track him down. Turns out, he'd run strait to the front to ride Sandy with all the free pennies lying around.

Well, as she's talking, I see her kid sneak past her, and sure enough, he's running right towards Sandy. So I tell her, in a very calm voice "he's running over to Sandy again." She goes to grab him, but when she comes back, she's mad at ME for telling her. I swear, I didn't call her a bad mom, or use a judgemental tone, but she just starts going off on me because "I shouldn't tell her how to parent."

I shrugged it off at first, figured she was just having a stressful day and all, but then I get called by my manager to see her in her office. She tells me that she got a complaint from a parent that I was trying to tell her how to be a mom. I tell her what happened, and she ALSO gets mad at me. I told her I was just trying to help, and she tells me that it wasn't my place, and that I can't possibly know what it's like to be a parent, because I don't have kids.

I still can't figure out how what I did was wrong, but maybe you guys can tell me. Was I the bad apple?

:Marichat: Marichat

I wish I knew. I've made videos, and there's always someone attacking me for my stance on this. I'm constantly getting people claiming the show is just bad, and putting all of it on Astruc. Yeah, he's trash with an over inflated ego, but he's not the only person working on the show. I personally feel that ignoring all the good things about the show, and only focusing on the things we wanted to happen, and things we hate, is disrespectful to all the other people who work hard on this show.

:Marichat: Marichat

My 1st thought is that Batman is way too old for Marinette. Why do so many people insist on these gross adult/child ships? My 2nd thought is remembering I just watched a video yesterday, about how Batman canonically slept with Batgirl, so I can't even put it past him...