What makes you think it is. Just antipropaganda from the other pole. They both do it

Nice cope lol. Must be fun being treater like a credit card and knowing people are areound you because of that

People dating based on how much the other person earns are the scum of the earth.

It you have the money yes. I suggest getting the AMS too.

Golota je sama po sebi ok. Jo prodajat pa ne glih

Kakšne so te druge možnosti? Zdravo ni ker ti to prinese en kup težav v družbi ki tega ne sprejema kot ok.

Lahko tu filozofiramo o definiciji kaj zdravo sploh pomeni v nedogled. Ko potegneš črto vidiš da je to nekaj kar se velika večina strinja da ni ok in te bodo posledično gledali postrani. Delaš lahko kar hočeš, ne moreš pa pričakovat da ne bo posledic za tvoja dejanja.

Kaj ti ni jasno, da 99% ljudi gleda pornografijo ne bi nikoli pristalo z osebo, ki se ukvarja s tem. Slabo ločuješ krstkotrajni užitek in nekaj s čimer bi živel

Ali je prostitucija zgolj delo?

Kaj je zdravega pri tem da svoje intimne slike ali eksplicitne posnetke daješ v javnost? Zakaj potem sploh nosimo obleke oz zakaj ne kažemo dele telesa komurkoli, ki to vpraša?

To ni zastarelo ampak zdravo razmišljanje

Čestitam za članstvo elitnega kluba ljudi s končano izključno osnovno šolo

Fuck ADs. Scum of the earth. Denying people of joy because of your superiority complex and the need to preserve the luxury and scarcity factor. May you rot in hell for all eternity

Zdaj pa čakam da se javi en žabar, da to sploh ni res in da je vse samo sds propaganda

They may be shiny things when you isolate them but they mean a lot more to people. Its about emotions, ambition and a sense of accomplishment and joy for many.

You cant tell me that a person who denies someone else from joy purely out of greed and some sick powerplays is not evil.

It’s not about a time keeping device, its about robbing people of the joy that they could experience wasn’t it for a shitty man in the middle.

So again, fuck them without lube

Well no. These shiny things rapresent a lot for some people and they work really hard to get them. Then comes an ad that puts them on a “list” that doesn’t exist, lies and manipulates them and lies about watches being in stock etc.

These people make their fortune from lying to others and extorting them based on their desires.

If it was only a matter of supply, thats totally different but what they are doing is evil.

Fuck them.

This is why every ad doing this deserves bankruptcy and their lineage to suffer forever