I am a middle aged black person who has lived in the North, South and Pacific Northwest.

I'm sorry. NO. No the North (even Boston which was a fucking pit of racism) is NOT 'just as racist as the South.'

NOT when places like fucking Jasper Texas exists, or lots of Arkansas, Tennesee, huge swaths of Kentucky, Mississippi, the parts of Georgia way out from Atlanta, etc etc.


Just no.

Yes there's plenty of racism through out the North, Pacific Northwest (Oregon...) upstate New York, whatever.


AND YES I am shouting, because over 23 years of living in the South I have experienced some truly horrible things.


I am not generally a car go fast fan, but I would actually consider paying money to see this!

Nice. Going to take a look. I really liked the interface design, character design, pretty much everything else, and I enjoy action RPGs.

Going to wishlist it.

Thank you!

would I enjoy this if I disliked Persona 5's calendar and Teen Drama Emotional Link Wrangling for Bonuses?

I have weird quirks and I can see that 5 is an amazing game that just really annoys me in particular. (... Like a very attractive woman I knew once who invariably brought up specific things that reminded me of trauma AND would quote Ayn Rand...)

... You said 'instead' up there. That invited these responses. "Or instead we just build out public transit..."

I don't think it's unreasonable to bring up rural cases in that instance.

I think I've finally found a sport where I might be willing to use my tax money to build an arena.

And that's great. It works and fits the story or pacing. And I wouldn't say /probably,/ because realistically a lot of people are absolutely going to be too stressed to have sex in that situation. That would be realistic too. Why don't we show that more in movies? Brad Pitt failing to get an erection because of battle fatigue and high levels of cortisol?

There are times, however, in books and movies where a sex scene seems just kind of thrown in and it makes me either skip a few pages or three minutes of the movie.

I like flopping tits just fine, but if I'm reading or watching a military sci fi movie where really the focus is on Them Darn Aliens and We're Fighting Them Good? It may make sense that some of the grunts are banging each other but that's NOT what I'm focused on.

Any more than I would always get value out of watching Captain McGunawesome slowly brewing a cup of pour over coffee. There's going to be an exception here and there where it works, but generally it doesn't add much unless you are really into seeing pour over coffee in the vast majority of your movies.

You are watching a movie about an artist living in Manhattan in 1990 and their struggle to find meaning in work done for purely commercial purposes. Most of the movie focuses on that, mainly in dialogue heavy scenes and in thoughtful tasteful montagues showing the artist weeping as they produce work that pays rent, but looking joyous up until their meaningful work is rejected time after time.

53 minutes into the movie they suddenly and passionately kill fourteen assailants in a high speed gun fight while piloting jet skis through the Hudson. This part lasts two minutes and 37 seconds.

The movie then shifts back to the artist plot.


It really seems like a convenient way to gatekeep or for irritable redditors to say look at the sub reddit FAQ without having to give any input on questions.

I could understand if it pointed to material from a couple of years ago. However the bulk of these links point to threads from five or more years ago.

Picture seven, man on bench REALLY resonates with how I'm doing right now.

I should probably go out and be stressed on a bench somewhere.

I wish there was more discussion of long term potential for us weirdos considering the long game.

Inside Job. I binged both parts immediately.

… there is obviously something wrong with me because I immediately thought of finally having a coop partner for various games and someone to go on backwoods trail rides and hikes with (where ideally you shouldn’t go solo.)

depending on how up you are, and how vindictive you are, if you feel confident owning any of it would cause a crash? You could buy a fractional share.

Just to watch the world burn.

If it doesn't displace / replace material, even just teleporting a few inches in air could be immediately deadly.

Imagine trapping liters of normal atmosphere air in your tissues instantaneously, while getting buffeted by the sudden collapse of volume where you just were.

Probably a wonderful chunky POP at worst, and sudden case of the bends at best.

Thank you! Appreciated.

... Can you please edit this with spoiler tags so other people don't happen on it before reading the book?

I'm not generally super sensitive to spoilers, but I HAD planned on reading this soon because I wanted to read it before watching the series.

I can't turn back time for myself, but please consider others who might happen upon this.

Edited to add: the poster fixed it! Thank you!

"welcome," I whisper as the sedentary rock that formed decades before that from crumbled human dust and human tears.

Trying to keep up with comic book rosters and such has me feeling ancient.

I just bought a HomePod for the first time.

Asked it to play some music. It immediately played that album, the only one it thinks I own.

Also generally when people from ANY generation mention us it's to say we failed to protect them, or we failed to live up to their expectations. Which is probably fair. Whatever.

Better to stay forgotten.

Lately my process has been: See interesting game. Consider my budget. Almost buy game.

Fire up Skyrim or Fallout 4 with mods instead.

I tend to find them at high level (around 60 or more) at an unmarked power station to the west of Natick Banks. Sometimes they fight a Behemoth!

This reddit post shows the spot: https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/10i4hv0/this_place_was_guarded_by_5_deathclaws_and_a/ 


Can be a real surprise if you are a VATS heavy player and now you can't target the weakspot