People think the ruling makes the president into a god with power to rewrite the entire constitution. This ruling does 2 things:

1) Some or all of Trump’s trials could be invalidated if he committed the crimes during his tenure as president if they were “official acts”.

2) The president can legally order anyone arrested, detained, and possibly executed and not be prosecuted for it. Biden could possibly do this to some conservative SCOTUS judges, but if he doesn’t clear the lower courts as well, he could still be prosecuted if they don’t rule in his favor. Biden and democrats would have to get people to agree to do it and make sure it doesn’t ruin their election chances, so this is unlikely to happen.

So no, Biden really can’t just dissolve SCOTUS and although he legally can have them “disappeared”, it’s not likely to happen without consequences and a serious discussion with the public about what needs to happen.

I still think something needs to happen soon and this ruling needs to be reversed but Biden cannot do it that way.

It’s hard to be sure these days. There are kids out there who’ve never used a cassette tape player who are on Reddit right now.

Records record and play on both sides. You flip it over after the first side plays to hear the rest.

That and every time something happens to a child by some new circumstance that happens maybe 1 in 10,000,000 times, it’s all over the news.

News says ”12 year-old kills infant” and doesn’t mention 12 year-old was known to be violent and parents were warned to keep away but refused to listen.

This has been going on for my entire life (over 40 years) and now none trusts anyone else or trusts their own kids to make decisions for themselves.

The court will strike most of it down. He’s just immune from prosecution for doing it.

They didn’t give Biden ultimate power.

This. I had to set up a dev account to get API access. The increase in dev API tokens could easily make this a target and also get the entire process pulled as it’s the loophole that allows sideloaded Apollo to work. Also not sure that the TOS allows you to use personal API tokens in a published app.

If I’m wrong (and I hope I am), Apollo and other TPAs could easily come back using this loophole.

If this is the true legal ramification, Biden has enough power and immunity to wipe out the entire SCOTUS and install whoever he wants (and he absolutely should before SCOTUS realizes how stupid they are). SCOTUS has given the president a path to absolute power to do whatever they want as long as it’s “official”.

Why not both? Fear to get the views and use it to push “their” guy.

Because most people aren’t going to risk their entire lives over something that “might” effect them down the line. No one wants to risk losing their jobs or their lives over this.

People will only fight back when they feel they will die otherwise. They have to get to the point where there’s nothing left to lose.

This has been the case since the dawn of civilization.

I honestly think there is a trolling campaign going on. 2016 showed that debates did not make or break a campaign and I’m quite shocked that everyone thinks one bad debate performance is going to override all the good policy-making and good speeches he’s given us, especially in the face of the orange lying turd. A single bad debate performance should never be a deciding factor for your vote. What a candidate says and does and what their party says and does should.

School will teach you the very basics of programming. You learn how to think like a programmer. How to take a complex project (like a web application) and break it down into simpler steps and parts.

You can google the majority of syntax and key words in any language. You will learn all the fancy design patterns and frameworks and get handed a pile of obfuscated spaghetti code and be told to fix it without changing too much because your predecessor never documented anything before leaving.

It’s humbling and a bit stressful. You’ll beat yourself up and feel absolutely worthless, but stick it out. Every day you’ll make some progress and before you know it, you’ll be fixing your predecessor’s 10-year old bugs that they insisted couldn’t be fixed. To be honest, it’s the reason I’ve stuck with coding for all these years.

What you can do for practice is look around Github for projects in whatever languages you’re studying and try and figure out how they work. Figure out how to compile them and maybe see if you can add and change things in a copy of their code. This is how I learn.

Remember Clint Eastwood’s “chair rant” during the 2016 campaign? I sure did!

The problem is that Fox can spin it as “Dementia Joe has Deranged Debate with Dummy”. It’s not like they wouldn’t try to spin any other outcome but this one would be too easy.


I don’t see how AI will ever replace junior level programming. At best, it can create tools that build boilerplate code but someone still has to understand how that code works and how those tools work.

As for IT support, there’s no way it can replace people who know a myriad ways to find solutions to complicated problems. Show me an AI that can navigate all the complex hacks put in place in Active Directory for an organization or an AI that can fix a broken printer.

Looks like soppressata. Maybe that’s why.

It ceased development when Reddit changed their API, so not great but it still exists in a way.

Sideload Apollo. You’ll need to follow a guide to get it set up, but it works and no ads!

Now cross it with a hamburger to get the Croninburger!

I’ve heard of work where scientists have been able to make gametes (sperm and egg cells but egg cells in this case specifically) from stem cells and or other tissue.