Both of you are garbage. And if you suggest abortion so filppantly you obviously arent against them, just a huge fucking asshole. Fucking hypocrit

Mind telling that to all the crones hosing off chalk art on the sidewalk?

I have a regular who orders lemon drop martinis, but hold the sugar and make it with hendricks please! .... and then it goes in a bucket glass so it fits the cupholder at the blackjack table.

I get its simple, but it makes my eye twitch every time the order comes through

NTA. Tell them if you take them theyll be going directly to the best year around boarding school money can buy. Because thats the kind of parent you are, and since yoir sister knew that it must be what she wanted for her children.

I will never not laugh at this

NTA Your stepdaughter didnt lose her mother. Her mother is a POS and shes welcome to see her in prison. Your other 3 children have also just lost their father. Watching the one protector they have left also be brought down by the person who terrorizes them must have been so awful for them. You didnt do this to punish her, you did it to protect your other 3

Dump his ass and when he asks why say "real women dont date boys who dont eat pussy"

Bro that cat is obviously stressed. Back the fuck up and give her space. More concerned with taking a video than the actual welfare of the animal. Sick of this kind of shit.

Bro the fish would probably rather be dead lmao

NTA. I would have shat all over her back. What kind of grandmother shows up empty handed? What sort of family matriarch lets the pregnant mother make the meal?

Bruh i hate kids and this is still the cutest thing ive seen in a week

Yes, but their safeword was pineapple.

Did you know?!

Koalas look absolutely feckin terrifying when wet? God awful things; learn to eat real food

Fair lol. My head cannon is cuter but yours is probably more realistic

I absolutely love that you are so learned about all these amazing bird facts and dont know that those nose beak thingies are called nares. 🤭

Fucking right?!? Watched it twice and my brain, immediately and with an intensity that scared me went: M O R E