I was thinking the same thing. If it is him he is doing a great job!

2 steps and crowd kills is all you need

Hey I got one of these too! I’m guessing we’re in the same club.

My username probably contributed to that lol

I have this one too! Love anti carnist!

She kidnapped herself

He just D.E.N.N.I.S’d this chick so hard.

I switched to wizards at the start of this year and fell in love. I’ve been buying them in any plastic I don’t already have and am up to 12 now. SSS is my favorite for putting though.

That’s disgusting but also you’re my hero. Water trash

I’m right there with you. I still do all of the fun stuff. I still have some fun hobbies and am down for any kind of fun adventure. Life is too boring otherwise.

That’s gotta be so frustrating. Plus it’s easy to get in your head about it and mess up your putting stroke. They really need an official basket for all tournaments.

If they’re new they need to start over. Lol

He’s on the way to Europe I believe

If the answer isn’t water slide, then what are you doing?