25M first kid on the wayAdvice

Sorry for the long read I thought this would be a good place for this question hopefully I'm not wrong I am gonna be a Dad for the first time ever and I feel like a mess (weird for me to even say this)

Quick background So I met this girl, I rent an apartment with a friend and she knows the landlord and the landlord gave her the third room, the second we saw each other we fell in love, it was a love at first sight we have so much in common and we both been through so much that we believe God put us togther. we are together for close to 2 months, and..she is well.. pregnant.

She wants the kid with me, she doesn't believe in abortion, and I want a family as well, I feel comfortable with her about this because she's a bit older then me (30) and she finds me mature and everything is great, and at first I was excited and calm but now she's becoming more and more scared and it's starting to affect me as well, and overall it's very scary to me, at the age of 25? Isn't it "too young"? It didn't bother me at first but it is now.

Also a thing she doesn't know about, is that I recently got out of debts and I don't have any debts now and my balance stands on, well, 200$. In 2 months I will start a job in QA(working security ATM) and start earning good money but it's also a stress factor

Long story short, we know about this for a week now, I am under stress and she doesn't want to tell anyone and my relationship with my Dad ain't the best so idk how he's going to react, I really could use some tips, some feedback on what to do, preparing etc. etc. etc.

Thank you in advance.

25 M, first upcoming kidLooking for Advice

Sorry for the long read I thought this would be a good place for this question hopefully I'm not wrong I am gonna be a Dad for the first time ever and I feel like a mess (weird for me to even say this)

Quick background So I met this girl, I rent an apartment with a friend and she knows the landlord and the landlord gave her the third room, the second we saw each other we fell in love, it was a love at first sight we have so much in common and we both been through so much that we believe God put us togther. we are together for close to 2 months, and..she is well.. pregnant.

She wants the kid with me, she doesn't believe in abortion, and I want a family as well, I feel comfortable with her about this because she's a bit older then me (30) and she finds me mature and everything is great, and at first I was excited and calm but now she's becoming more and more scared and it's starting to affect me as well, and overall it's very scary to me, at the age of 25? Isn't it "too young"? It didn't bother me at first but it is now.

Also a thing she doesn't know about, is that I recently got out of debts and I don't have any debts now and my balance stands on, well, 200$. In 2 months I will start a job in QA(working security ATM) and start earning good money but it's also a stress factor

Long story short, we know about this for a week now, I am under stress and she doesn't want to tell anyone and my relationship with my Dad ain't the best so idk how he's going to react, I really could use some tips, some feedback on what to do, preparing etc. etc. etc.

Thank you in advance.


IDF has Reconnaissance regiments which are part of each infantry brigade. Paratroopers reconnaissance, Nahal, Golani etc. Only Kfir doesn't have one, they have Sayeret Haroov

Yeah that's from Wiki, but I know a couple guys from the unit, and they changed their role a lot.

Shaldag are basically JTACs, but Shaldag has a high budget as shit because well.. Air Force, maybe it's not seen in those pictures but they run the best gear they want

Shayetet in recent years started training more with the SEAL teams and even started doing the "weapon nod"(it's small, but what I mean is that they actually "acquiring" skills and tactics rather then just train together) upon entry, they became super professional then they were before, there is a reason they are the only unit who had only one KIA in Gaza so far

I mean yeah makes sense, every SOF unit have them, Rangers, SF (Green Berets) etc.

I am aware about Yamam.
But you forget *most* of it's members are former Tier 1's, and they also go through MFF school and take part in operations outside the country's border.

And also about Tier 2, I know just wrote the "main" one's that people know more about them

and about 7th Wing, I am aware that Shaldag and 669 our part of it already but with that being said I know someone that is in one of the units and he said that the units that are part of the 7th Wing will either operate on it's own, or when needed "as the 7th Wing" (so all the units that part of the 7th Wing just operate togther)

Tier 1 - Sayeret Matkal, Shayetet 13, 669(Pararescue), Shaldag, IAF 7th Wing, Yamam(National CTU)

Tier 2 - Commando Brigade (Maglan, Egoz, Duvdevan), Lotar, Oketz(K9)

And about Plasar (Regimental Reconnaissance brigades) I'm not sure if we consider it Tier 2 here or not

I've noticed most of SF (Green Berets) changed to the OpsCore AMPs, I wonder if other units in Europe haven't changed because "if it works it works" or just don't want to spend money on that

So Peltor COMTACs are completely replaced now all over the world? I barely see any nowadays

Over used joke, and yes I am aware, I mean that's all I don't know what else I need to say

Cool, but Israel has its own gear manufacture and the same for ammunition

87,000 people used to live here, now it's a ghost town...

[PC][Unknown] Sci-Fi Space Aircraft game

I am trying to find an old space game I kinda remember the intro of the game, it begins in a desert like place, then 2 sci-fi aircraft or w/e you wanna call them appear, one is hit and going down and you can hear the system says "altitude , altitude" and it ends there, that's all I remember please help me find it!

trying to find an old space game I kinda remember the intro of the game, it begins in a desert like place, then 2 sci-fi aircraft or w/e you wanna call them appear, one is hit and going down and you can hear the system says "altitude , altitude" and it ends there, the first mission was a dark~ish location

Help me find an old space game

I am trying to find an old space game I kinda remember the intro of the game, it begins in a desert like place, then 2 sci-fi aircraft or w/e you wanna call them appear, one is hit and going down and you can hear the system says "altitude , altitude" and it ends there, that's all I remember please help me find it!

אפשר גם בבקשה הוד מלכותך גרי המבורגרי

Helldivers lmao But it's ok we die FOR SUPER EARTH!

Thank you! Now I don't need to waste my energy and comment that even though I am doing it right now! But yeah definitely along Arthur Morgan, loved him

I was high watching the first episode with a friend, and now the death by boiling won't leave my head lol, but it was amazing to say the least

MARSOC love their PCU's


I just finished replaying the game, and this picture touches a soft spot 😢