I recently saw a post about the new black and white car plates having the extra money go directly to the state and the commenters were proud and happy to give more to our state government because of how good a job it does actually serving the people.

I really have to wonder how many other states would be able to boast it's citizens feeling that way.

I have a love hate relationship with being a Minnesotan. The weather. The mosquitoes. The lack of mountains or an ocean to visit without driving days....

That said I am very proud of our government. Went to highschool when Mr. Walz was teaching there. Met Jesse Ventura when he came to our school to give a speech informing us that there was no system of checks and balances in D.C., just a bunch of punks pushing a bunch of money at him and trying to tell him how to vote.

We've welcomed refugees (some of us more lovingly than others, for sure).

Above all we value community on a government level. Our education, healthcare, and social services are excellent. Despite hating the blistering cold and swarming bloodsuckers in between our gorgeous (albeit sometimes quite short) springs and falls.... I would be hard pressed to choose a better place to raise my kids and feel they will be supported and free, as we are here.

.... I hope with all your money know how you can someday afford a sense of humor.

So.... I should take the $3M, invest $300k, and spend the $2.7M. Got it!

He is the one who knocks.

Lol so it's okay if people die because you feel like texting?

No I'm not afraid of being old. Chances are with no social security or medicade left by the time we get there, it'll go by pretty fast lol.

They are fantastic. I used thinx. Pretty sure I still have access to a code to give "a friend" $10 off their order, if you're interested. I literally am so annoyed that these didn't exist for half of my life and also so grateful that my daughter will never know a world without them, when she reaches that age.

Be your hairy self. If it really bothers you, waxing is the way to go, unless you have the time and money for electrolysis but if it's just like, a minor insecurity than I wouldn't worry. A real lady will love you, fur and all. Just like you'd love her despite the things she's insecure about.

Once you decided to have kids, it was kind of too late to worry about whatever other "glamorous" things you could have done. That said, no I don't regret staying at home with my kids.

Yeah, you kinda can. If there's even one kid in the classroom saying this word then it won't be long before they all know the word but that doesn't mean they understand the word.

OP responded to me saying that her kid is autistic and will start repeating the word all the time simply because they were told not to by the teacher.

As if that should prevent the teacher from telling students not to say that word. What should the teacher have done instead? Encouraged the use of the word because their child automatically does whatever they're told not to do? Repeatedly?

Sounds like this poor teacher already has enough to deal with from OP and their child without having to made to feel badly for explaining to children why saying such a thing is unacceptable. At the age of seven, autistic or not, OP should be helping their child to understand these things and giving consequences. My son was introduced to this word around the same age. He is on the autistic spectrum.

I used the full word while explaining to him exactly why it should never be used and what consequences he could expect if it was. I felt uncomfortable saying it but guess what? My son has never used it since.

We can't help what other people teach their kids and the fact that they bring those words into school with our kids but we also can't blame teachers for a lack of education and discipline at home.

If you dont think these kids are learning these slurs then you're the one that's out of touch.

What made him TA was planning to wait until their lease was up to break up with her. As I've repeatedly said.

In my experience I had to explain to my son about it by that age because he was learning about it from other children. I am guessing the teacher addressed it because it came up in their class and felt it was better to educate the kids why it was wrong then to ignore it.

Which was actually pretty ballsy because most people would probably just ignore it out of fear of parents responding like OP has.

I'd bet good money their kid would have been coming home in short order with a story to tell about that word. If the teacher would have stayed silent it simply would have been a story about their classmates using it.

So long as the teacher was pointing out how wrong it is to say it and why then I for sure hope they don't lose their job or anything but wouldn't be surprised if they do. Only to be replaced by someone who doesn't care most likely.

Yeah if we have $20 to spend on food it just seems unnecessarily mean to insist it comes from Costco.

I'm a mother too.... though I heard the song years before coming one.

The mom doesn't allow it. The mom is starving as well. She has no way to feed her child.

I guess I haven't seen that as I don't use tik tok. Maybe that's just rage bait? I do know that most people, men and women, are more likely to be insecure about their looks and the world in general (in my opinion) needs more people complimenting each other and being kind.

Well, it's weird then then you decided to come at me simply for sticking up for the idea that it's okay for one woman to be kind to another one without knowing what she looks like.

I don't consider myself a modern feminist nor a man hater. The guys I have issues with are the ones who are rude and belittling towards women just for being women.

Most decent women do like to compliment one another, even women they don't know because it feels good to do it and it feels good when a woman randomly compliments you.

That's not being feminist. That's being feminine.

The way you went off on me was like.... over the top and not really okay. I am sure you wouldn't like it if someone talked to your lady the way you did to me.

Just saying.

Well I hope for her sake you don't feel the need to "keep her in reality" by telling her that while she's beautiful in yours eyes, she's at best a 4/10 or similar. You've come across here like someone who really has some issues with women. I just hope in real life things are different.