Cat-O-Pillar Coaster at Paultons Park Home of Peppa Pig World, England.

Oh, the thrill of the ride, the cheer of the riders, the blood rushing through my veins.

Here it is:

I was abused by staff at my school and then at CAMHS. CAMHS said I was all making my mental illnesses up and told me i was lying about what the abuseres were doing. At that point, I had attempted s****de a few times. So yeah, CAMHS failed me, too. I haven't heard of a single person saying that CAMHS helped. I hate CAMHS

Exactly. I never felt like a boy and didn't understand how other boys operated, I was always much more understanding of girls and more inclined to seek friendships there. I didn't experience life as a man because I have no idea how they worked, I just forced myself to perform some version of masculinity so I would stop being bullied for being "a f*ggot". I had no idea what I was doing because I had no idea how to be a man.

District 4

I'm glad it's helped you, too. It's hard to be living in that way, not knowing what comes next, but i hope you can find peace.

District 4

Content warning: mental illness and suicide mention.

I have PTSD and depression and The Hunger Games has helped a lot with distracting me from things going on in my life. I've attempted suicide before, but I keep telling myself that I'll hold out for the deluxe boxset to arrive, then the illustrated edition, then SOTR. I think things like that do help. Obviously, people need help with mental illness, but until that help comes, things like this does help somewhat. The Hunger Games also helped me to keep going.

Edit: Hunger Games is my special interest (Autism).

He's just a baby. It's not his fault.

District 4



Do you not understand that mental illnesses aren't always situational? I've had ocd since I was 3, and some of my first memories were of doing compulsions. I didn't know what patriarchy or hierarchy was when I was 3. Ocd isn't part of my identity, I've just had it before it could be situational. Please learn about mental illness, because until other socialists and anarchists are able to help ill and disabled people, they should all shut up about "from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs"

How would someone's transphobia be OCD? I'm just curious to know how you came to that conclusion. People can be obsessively bigoted without having a mental illness. You're still being ableist by saying that the transphobia is due to OCD and, therefore, the person belongs in a psych ward.

I think so. Dr Who Gareth Roberts was fired from the Dr Who team for his transphobia so it fits. He also wrote a gross description of a woman's body in a Dr who book for children.

The quote from Gareth Robert's Dr. Who book:


:trans-pan: Transgender Pan-demonium

He needs help. It seems like he's turned to others to do his compulsions for him and to reassure him. He needs to understand that they way to stop ocd is to not do compulsions, to not seek reassurance, and don't do anything that would be giving in to his OCD (compulsions, obsessing, etc.)

If he kills himself, it isn't on you. It is his mental illness driving him to the point where he doesn't feel a way out. I read the other post, and please know I am NOT judging or criticising you, but you need to stop doing things for him. Doing that fuels his mental illness, it creates a reliance for the ocd sufferer to do compulsions to feel better to the point where the person with ocd thinks that doing compulsions is the only way to feel better again.

He needs to learn that it's fuelling his mental illness and the obsessive-compulsive cycle. I have had OCD at 40/40 on the YB-OCS. Trust me when I say that what is going on now is only going to make his illness worse and that he needs to, when he feels the obsession and urge to do a compulsion coming on, not do the compulsions and don't obsess over it, and to just let the anxiety and discomfort pass. It might take a while to pass. Sometimes, it could be days of his ocd reminding him. No matter what, though, he mustn't do the compulsion. Instead, he should try doing something that he likes to distract himself. I listen to an audiobook and play Minecraft when I get urges to do compulsions.

The situation you are in is abuse, and I'm so sorry for what you're going through. I can't offer advice on that end, but please talk to someone about it, a therapist, or a mental health team that could get you help and refer your brother to get help. I'm so sorry for what's happening to you. I never involved other people in my compulsions. It was all internally, so I don't know how your brother can get out of it, but it is just the same. Break the cycle of obsession-->anxiety---->compulsion---->relief----> obsession--->anxiety...etc.

If he does kill himself, it is NOT on you. It would never be your fault. Please get help for yourself. And please get help for your brother's ocd.

I hope you can get out of the abuse and I'm so sorry for you. πŸ’œ

Aww, don't be mean to ToddlerMauler3000. He's a lovely dog πŸ₯°


Don't do that

Don't look at the article's comments.

Warning, brief description of comments' content:

No, they ate JJ because you can't waste a good meal.

I mean, despite JJ being like a balloon, there must be a lot of protein on it. 🀀

Fair enough! I have my endo appointment tomorrow, and the endo is transphobic, so I'm worried and also bored. Whenever I deal with people like OP, I like to listen to Rage Against the Machine's Vietnow. It fits people like that to a t.

Don't bother replying to the troll. People like that are either immature idiots or a lost cause.

Are you happy you got to do an "I AM the manager"? πŸ˜‚