Военно-патриотическое воспитание не особенность какой-либо страны или её лидера, чтобы называть что-то перефразом "Гитлерюгенда". Подобные практики есть и в Великобритании, и в Германии, и в Израиле и т.д.

Да и Гитлерюгенд это вообще молодёжная партийная организация, чем Юнармия не является (молодёжная организация какой-нибудь современной партии и то подошла бы больше), каких-то догматов, исходящих из политического курса отдельных партий нету, разве что общие принципы, но честно, какое государство не будет прививать выстроенный политический курс на молодёжь, перестраивая их под себя (что даже у Юнармии скорее не так сильно получается, ибо это не какая-то сугубо политизированная молодежная часть какой-либо партии, чтобы вклинивать и прививать определенные устои).

По сути ЮнАрмия - просто организация аля скауты, возможно с более конкретными направлениями работы и с более организованным руководством, но прям существенно они не отличаются.

🇷🇺 Native 🇬🇧 A2

Главное не то, что криво-косо или же хорошо (это субъективно, у каждого своё представление о подчерке), а то, что понятно. У тебя понятный подчерк, а это главное

Why is this unsafe? Of course, in regions closer to the front line, there is a threat of coming under fire, but in regions such as Siberia, all this is reduced to zero. There is no serious level of banditry or other violent formations in the country. So don't worry about "insecurity".

Country does not always mean state. You may not agree with the regime, but you may like the country. Was it then ethical for anyone to come to the United States or any other warring country during the Vietnam War, Libya, Syria, and elsewhere? You can say it's "whataboutism" but I would rather categorize it as certain forms of prejudice. So there is nothing unethical about traveling - you don't have to pray and kiss the feet of the head of the country or do anything that would realistically be unethical in a conflict, you just want to visit the country and see it from the inside.

Какие ноги были у твоего партнера?

Hello, Earthlings! MOD

This is Mariska, the founder of this subreddit. Our goal is to change the perception of Pol Pot's personality, Democratic Kampuchea and to reveal various myths spread not only about Kampuchea (but, for example, also about the USSR) by liberals and pseudo-Marxists


*Федерация Новосибирска и Алтая

The commenter you wrote to did not respond to my comment, and he responded later than I did. The Kims have remained in DPRK history as significant, great personalities, but they did not actually hold the position of head of state (with the exception of Kim Jong Il). In fact, this is something similar to the period of Stalin's rule in the USSR, because he was not a head of state either, despite his invaluable contributions to the process of building socialism. Stalin was also not a leader in the usual sense of the word, in fact his opinion could be disregarded when he was in the minority (I am referring to the last years of his life, when at the 19th Congress of the CPSU his proposal and decision were rejected in two days, resulting in the creation of the Bureau of the Presidium instead of dissolving the Politburo and creating the Presidium, the Bureau of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee was created, which effectively subordinated the Soviets to itself, and thus the principle of Soviet democracy ceased to work, since the Soviets were now subordinated to the Party, which by then was already largely petty-bourgeois. Khrushchev, Malenkov, Beria were only the leaders of this petty-bourgeois mass.

Only Kim Il Sung was the head of state, as president of the DPRK from 1972 to 1994, from 1994 to 1998 this position was vacant, and after 1998 the position of president was abolished, the position of the head of state was called "Chairman of the Presidium of the National People's Congress of the DPRK" and Kim did not hold it anymore. Kim Jong Il held the position of chairman of the SDC, which under Kim Jong Un was transformed into the State Council of the DPRK with slightly higher powers. In fact, only ONE time has any government position of such a high order been held by the son of the previous leader. In that case, and in Amerikommisariat Korea is a monarchy.

The heads of state of the DPRK are: 1. Kim Du Bon, as Chairman of the Presidium of the National People's Congress of the DPRK (1948-1957) 2. Choi Young-gon, as Chairman of the Presidium of the Presidium of the DPRK National People's Congress (1957-1962, 1962-1967, 1967-1972) 3. Kim Il Sung, as President of the DPRK (1972-1977, 1977-1982, 1982-1986, 1986-1990, 1990-1994) 4. Lee Jung Ok, Park Song Chul, Kim Young Joo, and Kim Byung Sik, as Vice-Presidents of the DPRK, acting President while the office was vacant (1994-1998) 5. Kim Young-nam, as Chairman of the Presidium of the Presidium of the DPRK National People's Congress (1998-2003, 2003-2009, 2009-2014, 2014-2019) 6. Choi Ryong Hae, as President of the Presidium of the DPRK National People's Congress (2019-current)

Luka Urushibara

Most likely, someone's cheaply made craft from various assets, the most typical fonts (it even seems to me that I saw this font in the Sketch application on my phone) and frames from the openings (the frame where the inscription Steins;Gate on the clouds is the frame of one of the openings for a visual novel).

Russian translation is of particular interest (and given the rather long work of Russian SciADV VNs translators from due to their small number, such a game would not be taken up now, because they now have a translation of C;H Noah kind of going on, so this once again proves that it is most likely simple someone's cheap attempt to make a VSO visualization)

Но вообще, видеть мы сможем вроде, просто мы будем идти навстречу летящим фотонам и излучению.

Ну я и говорю, что если вдаваться в мелочи - то все будет невозможным или проблематичным. По идее мы и двигаться при остановке времени не должны.

During the Civil War Trotsky showed a particularly strong admiration for the generals of the Tsarist Army, for which his leadership was disliked by the "military opposition"; the majority of military delegates were opposed to Trotsky's arrogant and hostile attitude to the old Bolshevik cadres in the army. As an example, Trotsky attempted to start a series of shootings of a number of responsible military communists in the front line who were undesirable to him, thus working into the hands of the enemy, and only the intervention of the Central Committee and the protests of military workers prevented the deaths.

At the moment of the height of the Red Army offensive on the eastern front Trotsky proposed a suspicious plan: to stop in front of the Urals, to stop pursuing the Kolchakovs and transfer troops from the eastern front to the southern front. The Central Committee of the Party, well realizing that it is impossible to leave the Urals and Siberia in the hands of Kolchak, where he can with the help of the Japanese and British to recover and get back on their feet, - rejected this plan and gave the directive to continue the offensive. In view of Trotsky's disagreement with such a directive, he resigned. The Central Committee rejected Trotsky's resignation, at the same time obliging him to immediately remove himself from participation in the leadership of operations on the eastern front.

In the summer of 1919, he effectively collapsed the southern front, allowing Denikin's forces to take Oryol and approach Tula, which supported the Red Army with ammunition, rifles, and machine guns.

Prior to Trotsky's removal from command of the Southern Front, he had proposed a strike through Tsaritsyn, which would have forced a march across the steppes, encountering Cossacks set against the Red Army. After the ouster, it was decided to strike through Donbass and other major cities in that region to supply Soviet Russia with fuel, and in addition, when advancing to pass through working and peasant cities and towns often sympathetic to the Bolsheviks.

In the Soviet-Polish war, the Red offensive on the western front, towards Warsaw, was - through the fault of Trotsky and Tukhachevsky - completely disorganized: the troops were not allowed to consolidate the positions they had won, the advanced units were driven too far forward, reserves and ammunition were left too far in the rear, the advanced units were thus left without ammunition and reserves, the front line was lengthened indefinitely and, consequently, the breakthrough of the front was facilitated. As a consequence of all this, when a small group of Polish troops broke through the western front at one of its points, the Soviet troops, left without ammunition, were forced to retreat. As for the troops of the southern front, who stood near Lvov and pressed the Poles there, Trotsky forbade these troops of the "Predrevvoyensoviet" to take Lvov and ordered them to transfer the cavalry army, i.e. the main force of the southern front, far to the north-east, as if to help the western front, although it was not difficult to understand that the capture of Lvov would be the only possible and best help to the western front. But the withdrawal of the cavalry army from the southern front and its retreat from Lvov meant in fact the retreat of the Soviet troops also on the southern front. Thus, Trotsky's malicious order imposed on the troops of the southern front an incomprehensible and ungrounded retreat, to the delight of the Polish army.

Я живу чтобы жить. Ну или точнее - чтобы чувствовать. Я очень боюсь смерти, а если точнее - осознание того, что собственное сознание прекратится, и все, что я делал и строил - все для меня впустую, и я не увижу новых свершений. Живу чтобы наблюдать - за новыми открытиями, за новыми красотами, за новыми событиями, и без разницы, плохие они или хорошие - все это часть жизни, тяжести которой мы должны пронести гордо. Живу чтобы действовать - сидеть на попе ровно конечно я тоже могу, но это скучно, поэтому я хоть что-то, да делаю, что мне интересно - рисую карты, смотрю аниме, гуляю, разговариваю, учусь - все это позволяет бороться с апатией, ленью, закрытостью.

Ежели говорить о вас - не загоняйте себя, вы обязательно найдете себе то, что вам интересно и возможно этот интерес и это призвание останется с вами до конца. То, что пока что не все так хорошо, как хочется - это всегда так. Не всегда что-то кажущееся плохим является таковым, просто вы можете занижать свои возможности из-за самооценки или иных причин. Попробуйте выработать список интересных вам вещей, пройдитесь по нему, поработав с каждой, поразмысля о том, близка идея или не, и возможно так и придёте к необходимому, но забрасывать себя точно не стоит, все таки есть и что-то хорошее, и любой может в каждой из ситуации извлечь выгоду, если действительно этого хочет.

О вопросах - какие темы вам лично интересны, почему вы считаете, что они у вас "выходят боком", связывались ли вы со специалистами, которые могли бы помочь?

А еще переводчика не хватает, чтобы сразу комменты могли переводиться. А еще редактора текста как на ПК, но на телефоне

Отсутствие русского языка и не очень привлекательный чат.

  1. В некоторых сабах разрешено прям фото отправить
  2. В этом - ссылкой можешь

Спалил блин. Как ему/ей теперь жить, когда его/её застыдили на весь интернет