Police Officer

Tbh it’s not a bad idea. You are also going to need to go to school though because they are still trying to push the bachelors degree for hiring in California.

Yes. List all of them. Omission is a fast track to a DQ.

So yes you’ll go through customs collect your bags in the customs area. Once you exit out you’ll go upstairs to departures and look for the red hotel shuttle sign which is curbside.

Are you coming from outside the country because if so you go through customs.

If you are traveling from another state you can just walk out and claim your bag.

Where are you going once you leave the airport? Rental car?

Police Officer

It’s a long slow process. You’d know if you got a DQ. Just be patient.

Yeah it would make them all 2s. Well the ones that qualify that is. It’s my understanding they offered 2 status to all the current 1s.

That’s an unknown right now but they are going to arm more of the level 1 security guys that they currently have.

Police Officer


My man if a simple google search is too complicated maybe this isn’t the right job for you.

Police Officer

Take the one that actually gives you the offer. You can always lateral over at a later date to an agency that fits your needs better.

No it means you were able to pass a practice test. There are lots of other steps and factors involved with getting hired.

Police Officer

Planet fitness is like $5 a month and is a good option.

Also you’d get used to running in the heat eventually.

Police Officer


You need to contact the agency.

That’s not how we operate but they probably different policies. It does seem like he followed whatever their department policy towards stolen vehicles is though.

Honesty you’ve probably been lucky these last 7 times. You don’t have a DND out for you.

Alex Car City Customs Window Tint

+1 (323) 302-3118

Amazing price and came and did it at my house.

Police Officer

Take your radio home with you and listen to it on your days off. You’ll start picking up a lot more stuff when you are in a less stressful environment.

This depends on if you are on the 3/12 or the 4/10. You’ll most likely be on the 3/12 but we don’t work a standard schedule so it’s hard to say exactly how many days a week you’ll work.

Also that doesn’t include any overtime which you’ll probably end up working some days.

They aren’t going to waste their time or they have something better to do.

Don’t worry you’ll get a ticket eventually if you keep speeding.

You might not pass medical but it’s hard to say these days. They’d just defer you and tell you to drop some weight though