
The biggest disadvantage, the group says, is that even if the technology worked it would be too little, too late, to keep the climate safe.

Even if??

June 2 - peak summer.

  1. France 21 gCO₂eq/kWh

  2. Great Britain 101 gCO₂eq/kWh

  3. Germany 212 gCO₂eq/kWh

And that’s just electricity. It does not even consider that electricity is 1/3 of the energy mix.

This article is written by people who look at half of the problem and say … yup. …already solved it with renewables.

I love the fact that one figure is indeed two “characters”. (Anakin and ~ANH Vader).

If you eat a salad, instead of cake, it is the absence of cake that’s makes you lose weight. It is not the salad.

Ok it’s nice that Germany, a decade from now, will be at the same levels as other counties are today. This is like a terminally obese person claiming their weight loss program should be the diet all humanity.

Now show me the full decarbinization plan. Fine they have lots of nice renewables, but they are still at only around 25% clean energy.

EnergieWende : a renewable energy target of 60% by 2050 (also … biofuels…. Really?, what part of “clean” are they not understanding)

That leave 40% …. Not decarbonized I guess?

Where is the plan for full decarbonization by 2050.

Strange they”re building ++new++ ++gas++ ++plants++ isn’t it? Last I checked, natural gas will never be clean and isn’t renewable. . I guess they’ll just be relying on (nuclear) imports for the rest of their lives. It’s delusional (and delusional that from your point of view it is nuclear energy that has the lobbyists spewing propaganda, instead of the obvious and now proven counter truth)

Edit: pS: you should have said “Norway”

I’m unsure is this is satire.

I remember the exact same conversation when CD’s came out. …. Except it was the CD’s that were inferior to their ancestral Analaog equivalents.

lol. Show me a single country which has a viable plan to go carbon neutral that does not include massive amounts of nuclear. And I’m not just talking about the current level of electrification.

Rewind 10 years and this article was about solar panels being useless (because the technology sucked

Rewind 30 years, and nuclear was inexpensive (because we had the know how and environmentalists were not victims of oil industry propaganda )

Fast forward to 2050. If environmentalists haven’t gotten their heads out of their ….. we will not have solved this problem.


15-20 will get you a fantastic meal in a real (non tourist) brasserie. Find a restaurant that has zero reviews, is full and only has a 1 page menu.

he is unlikely to announce it. Instead, American artillery shells and missiles "will just start landing on Russian military targets."


And my point is : that countries get out more than they put in. Where do you think the German GDP comes from? Hint: neighboring counties importing German goods. Germany know they get more out than they put in. Don’t try to tell be you think its benevolence. It’s business.

Also, not mostly paid by Germany. Far from it. Yes, Germany has the largest part of the bill (France 2nd).

Also, doubling the budget .. to do things like defense. France has maintained military spending and does not need any more, but Germany does.


And then that friend profits from everything you do, and whenever they tell you what will be in their best interest, you do it. If they sell something, you buy it, and accept that other places can’t sell to you without penalty. And your friend recognizes that since they are all about the sales.., they are the biggest winner having only bought you lunch.


The reason why one billion euros is not an electoral performance is the number of zeros that follows the 1 and goes before the decimal point.

1,000,000,000 euros.

Compare that to the countries limited 20 billion dollar defense expenditure … and you have one hell of a « performance piece »

One billion euros …. Pshaw. … anyone could find 1 billion dollars ….

Or … oh my … a politician did something that will be popular with the people …. Let’s discredit the task because he’s just trying to make the people happy. lol.


Your eloquent comment is a perfect example of why now, and not months ago. We need to remember that large percentage of each country do not understand how it impacts them, and could not care less about Ukraine. If it is not properly managed, governments shift, and we have even less chance of offering aid. Look to the US as the best example. They went from helping Ukraine, to blackmailing Ukraine, to helping, to not helping, to helping again. This is why support is coming in bursts.

go ahead, r/europe redditors, suck his dick a bit more for an obvious electoral performance.

A billion euros is not a performance. Your comment reads like a teenager who never budgeted and paid for anything.

I believe you are miss-quoting the 3:1 rule of thumb required for an invading force to be successful.

et c'est pourquoi dans chaque devis nous recherchons “égrenage

Agreed! To save myself, from myself, If it’s metal : Diecast, if it has eyeballs : they must move.

And the rest can take public transportation and be there under a day.

The Big Lebowski

I’ve always meant to watch but never get around to it. It came out in a really busy time in my life and it’s been a “to watch” since then. The worst, I know it’s the kind of movie I would have loved.

The waves are not defracted at all by the "dock".

The chimney is goofy.

The railing on the walkway is crazy (seems copy pasted)

The reflection in the windows of the upper balcony does not match. I

Also - with eyeballs! These new Eyeballs have ruined the aftermarket for me.

  1. You appear to be using a wood bit, and after the top hole, it’s finished.

Can’t wait to see this pop up in the anti nuclear power threads lol. Windmills kill birds, nuclear plants kill fishies.

No impact on commercial fisheries.

According to the survey results, 95 percent of the fish that caught up in the cooling water weighed three grammes or less. Of these, 87 percent were non-economically important fish species.

Is plastic awaiting recycling .. waste? Are batteries, awaiting recycling .. waste? Is the cement at the bottom of the windmill, they will NEVER be removed … waste? Is the land that will be permanently occupied by the windmill, or its replacement, waste? I guess it is too.

Now go and look up nuclear spent fuel recycling and then tell me what percent of the planet is permanently occupied FOREvEr by wind farms compared to spent fuel depots. Ooooh. Now let’s compare natural disasters and permanent land "waste" due to hydroelectric vs nuclear spent fuel.

"Spent fuel hysteria" is a non issue peddled to those who lack critical thinking skills and those who watched too many science fiction films in the 80´s.

The hypocrisy of how much we tolerate from the renewable industry, never mind our own households but finger point at the nuclear industry is laughable.

You want the electricity without the waste? Just don’t call it waste. It works for renewable energy apparently!