It also depends on if they limit it to 27 cars at every track or have more cars at tracks that can support it

Mexico for Pato is the best and easiest option for logistics 

i enjoyed the early days of letsplay, before the series and alot of the same content. the gta and minecraft was great, but near the end there was too much Gmod and a few things, in the early days the content was much more singular videos in a larger range of games

:formula-1-2018: Formula 1

sounds like they really want a new chassis in indycar, for 2027 or around there. The OEMS want a new engine formula or something different and there just isnt room in the current car for more engine or new engine stuff. the other thing is the aeroscreen. it works great for safety, but is just not as well integrated to the car as it should be. they want to remedy it

i think the sticking point will be if hinch will be able to continue his part time f1 duties or not. if he cannot or is not allowed, i think he will go to f1 instead of indycar

that is going to be bad optics and turn alot of voters off if they skip over kamala and go for a white dude as the candidate

:formula-1-2018: Formula 1

Mclaren will likely stick with 3 cars, and most teams will because the charter system they want to implement gives teams only 3 guaranteed entries to every race

That’s the problem. They can’t replace Biden with Harris as the candidate because she’s horrifically disliked, but it’s also bad optics to skip over a black woman for a white guy like newsom. People won’t like that. 

Agreed. I don’t mind paying a few bucks for a good model but no matter the price I’m not joining a patreon which are usually 2-3 times more expensive than the single model might be

I’m not a Rossi fan at all but this is surprising. His results haven’t been amazing overall but not terrible, u wouldn’t be surprised if he’s at the top of prema’s list, but the question is does he want to drive for that new team even if they pay him what he wants. I think a straight swap to RLL could be likely. 

In indycar they got sparkling juice for a few drivers that were underage for possibly podiums in indycar. Not sure what they use in NXT where the drivers are mostly underage 

A non vote for Biden is a vote for trump. I think the debate hurt a lot. Anyone who stays home instead of voting for Biden helps trump. I don’t think many will totally flip and actually vote for trump but not voting at all helps trump

The agencies are meant to enforce laws in particular areas, not legislate. They inform and assist congress on policy but cannot make it themselves. We do not want unelected officials making policy and law or interpreting either. That is the job of congress. The legislative body creates laws, the judicial body interprets them, the agencies enforce them. Under chevron, the agencies were given full power to be both legislative and judicial which is very wrong. 

The fun part about media is that we enjoy media and interpret media in our own individual ways. Sure there can be more correct or truer interpretations of media, but at the end of th day it’s about what each person latches onto about a particular piece of media in their own way that matters. What the truth is or what the showrunner/creator intended doesn’t really matter at the end of the day. Saying people are wrong about shows they like seems a bit gate keeping that some people are better because they “ get it” for the themes or whatever 

Gutch or Mira. Mira is one of my least favorite episodes and one of the movies has a very similar plot. 

That’s the question and ultimately the problem with non spec series. Only certain cars are capable of winning so the greatest driver can only control so much and might be elevated by having a good car or held back in a worse one and it’s often hard to tell. In more spec series like indycar or the f ladder, or even some BOP controlled series, driver talent is way more apparent and integral to the racing 

Because reality hasn’t met up with the product they were sold on, and expectations haven’t been met

True or not, any time DEI is introduced it’s automatically viewed in some circles as anti white and anti male

It’s all local companies too. I’d rather have uline or Harley or whoever sponsor it than Red Bull or vans or another non Wisconsin company 

Well when youve got the supposed top guy leading the pandemic response blatantly lying to the American public for years on the pandemic and safety measures, it’s easy to see how credibility has gone down