It’s also been put onto r/BORUpdates with all the convo between you and Stacey in there. So instant full context etc

Ok, this is the kinda thing I’d love to get done as some nail art

As OP did, only way to get people to believe the “precious being” could be such a monster is to show people. The sister also isn’t just a masochist there has to be a more fitting term for her

Can say from experience that this level of cruel… it’s a reality I’m afraid

I believe Cesar’s assassination is being reinacted

My boy cosmos was panting and laboured breathing, got to the vet as an emergency. Rush him back for Xray and other such fun… $350 for A FART 🤦🏻‍♀️

Your soon to be ex and his mother are fools, my eldest looks nothing like his father or I. He’s got major throwbacks genetically and looks nothing like either of us. Yet the instant someone made a “joke” or “just noticed/commented” on that fact, he’d straight up tell them off, no matter whom they were/are

Just think how far YOU have set him back, your selfish actions have hurt him so so much. I mean dang you caused him to loose his grandfather all over again. He may even start the grieving process over again.

Least he won’t have you around to cause him setbacks anymore



Man got me laughing with “but he says he’s a grown man and shouldn’t be depending on his parents”, proceeds to get his mummy involved… ummmm

Looks kinda miffed that it doesn’t swing, not allowing them their Mikey wrecking ball moment


Damn Jasmin what’s her name for creating this disgusting trend

Hun he suggested you lie to your fiancée and spend the entire time with him, a good friend would never even suggest hurting your partner (fiancée). Him to do so screams terrible friend, there was no mistake. He told his partner and yet told you to lie to yours… HE KNEW WHAT YOU WERE DOING WOULD HURT HER!!!

My people, the time to fight is now

These people calling him dumb*** etc. they’re just feeding his degradation kink. Like dang, got tell him his behaviour is terrible in a way that isn’t feeding his kink. Smh

The centre 2 are just owning that look, but especially bottom middle

You can see in his eyes just how sweet and grateful he is, this warms my heart

All the tabby’s/bengals looking the most traumatised by it all

The cat group I’m apart of outside reddit will adore the purrrfection that is your cat sub list

This point exactly, but also I’m stealing “pool noodle” and using it in the future for people

I really hope that OPs wife apologised for calling them an asshole. You don’t go no contact with someone to that level over nothing, especially to the point it was obvious even the co-workers workplace had her blocked and banned