You know sometimes bad movies are so bad they are actually good?

This one kept going and going so it went to bad again and stayed there.

My home country is in Central America. I know how bad it could be 😂.

I'm never leaving California.

Cuestan como $5 billones o más, hasta $15 billones, para construir una. Crees que el país tenga ese dinero disponible?

Además de el constante mantenimiento, reparación, personal, entrenamiento, etc.

También se tardan como 5-7 años para ser construidas.


One of the reasons I don't want to replace my cars. I'm paying $112/month for both.

Overwhelming in what aspect?

Like the world is too big and you don't know where to start or go next?

Or, the enemies and bosses are too difficult?

For both, take ir slow, practice with the weak enemies the game throws at you at the beginning and don't be afraid of dying or restarting the game using a different class. See what suits your play style better.

Easier for you to use a mage to kill enemies from afar using magic? Or a knight with heavy armor to tank hits? Or an agile character using the dodge mechanic, backstabs and parry?

Try them out!

Me personally, could never parry, Idk why, just can't do it. So I usually use a good shield with a one handed sword and support spells.

No sabia que era la misma Casampulga 🤣.

Buen dato.

I think it also depends if you can flatfoot the bike while sitting on it. It will be a lot easier to keep up when you are moving it at very low speeds and you make a mistake, that's when people usually drops them.

I bought my both bikes new and have never dropped them (knock on wood) but my first one was a Honda Rebel 500, super low seat and I could move that thing very easily, if I remember correctly, it weights around 400 lbs. My second bike is a Bonneville T100, again, not that big or heavy.

For my first bike, I had a friend drive me over to the dealership and I was planning to have him ride it back home but once I was there and sat on it I thought, no way I'm letting someone else break in this baby so I asked him to follow me through the roads back home, didn't take the freeway though.

Second bike, I had the dealership deliver it 😋. It also felt good having a whole bike delivered to my doorstep hahaha.

Que decís? Que los blancos no pueden tener hijos por los homosexuales? 🤣

Y yo estoy en California, así que si vivo con los gringos hahahaha. Ademas de ser hetero.

Así dejemolo ya, vale veinte discutir con personas con IQ de temperatura ambiente 🤭.

Teas need different water temps depending on the type, green, black, herbal, etc. It is not just heating the water, but bringing it to a specific temp range.

I have an electric kettle with a digital thermometer and that shit is the bomb for making tea or coffee using a French press.

I would only use the microwave to make shitty instant coffee, lmao.

I did.

I had only riden scooters like yourself when I took the course. Similar to what you describe, if I remember correctly, a theory class and practice lessons with a practice test.

I also ride road bicycles so that helped with balance, the concept of counter steering, braking before turns, and stuff like that.

My car is a manual 6 speed and that also helped understanding shifting and how the clutch works.

I definitely recommend taking the MSF course, you learn so much.

Como que si es cuestión de convertir 🤣.

Si sos homosexual nada te va a convertir en heterosexual y viceversa.

Lo que pasa es q hoy hay más libertad de expresión y persecución. Por eso se ve como q hay más.

Tipo el autismo. Hoy se diagnóstica de mejor manera que antes, por eso los casos clínicos suben. No es que ultimamenre algo esté haciendo a los niños autistas.

Lee e infórmate un poco, no solo andes fumando monte 😂

It's because he is 23 y/o.

Sadly, he is the type of rider everyone thinks about when we say we ride a motorcycle.

He'll be here later posting, "why is my insurance company quoting me $600 a month to insure my new bike?" 🤣

Eso quería poner en otro post aquí pero no se podía subir imágenes.

Además que se lista la igualdad de género, con el símbolo masculino y femenino. No veo donde dice que se busca hacer gays a todos los niños/niñas 🤣.

What if I tell you the real gang members and their leaders are either out of the country or under protection of the government. It's all a lie to keep the population controlled and obedient.

The gang members you see in the government propaganda are just foot soldiers that got burned by their leadership. Citizens don't even know the crimes those idiots are paying, they just know they are bad gang members.

I'm not saying they are innocent, but I think there should be a proper system to prosecute the guilty and make them pay for their crimes.

Imagine you are a victim of a crime done by a gang member, and you have no way of knowing if your aggressor is truly in prison or how many years they will be there. Your only hope is to keep electing Bukele so he can hold the regime for as long as possible, giving your rights away.

See how it works?

There is always a risk but you can minimize it a lot by the way you dress and carry yourself.

Be polite and respectful to cops and the military there and you should be fine.

Remember there are no civil or human rights in El Salvador right now, so if a soldier approaches you and asks you to take off your shirt, you do it without question. Doesn't matter if you are not doing anything suspicious or if they have a warrant or not. Be prepared to listen and follow their orders without question and show your ID.

Soldiers and cops. They both have authority to arrest civilians.

Crazy huh?

It's crazy how we as Salvadorans have normalized that crap.

You know your boyfriend is one bad cop away from going to jail? No trial, no recourse, no rights, no way to get an audience for at least a year.

Hmmm será porque la mayoría no está con Bukele?

Twitter/X ya se les salió de las manos, por eso han bloqueado a casi todo el país.

Facebook porque esta lleno de bots y maitros afuera del país que fácil les dan paja.

Thank you!

Just found it and added it to my list in Libby.

Could you please tell me the name of the author of that book?