Royal Caribbean don’t go to Southampton? Correct me if I’m wrong…

Volvos: of the choice of the middle class

i seen lots of middle class families use old XC70s from the 2000s in the UK, Apart from the UK, Europe is less materialistic, like everyone in France drives old Twingo's

my dad has saved tons by buying a classic 2001 land rover discovery 2

note: im from the UK, land rovers are everywhere new and old

That sucks, what if when the servers shutdown and the backstage passes are no longer available

Why do so many middle class families own old high end cars under 5k? Does it make you look low class to own one?

E.g A8s, Ls, 7 series, and the old s classes

This especially more frequent in the UK with even some upper class people owning old land rovers that are 3k, e.g Jeremy Clarkson has a 2007 Range Rover

Why! They were excellent on our Southampton to Amsterdam mini cruise

Was my first cruise I ever went on

Will it be too hot to wear the jumper though

I never seen them before and there friend list is friends of people with exactly the same name

Fair enough, personal preference

Side note: are post put on “waiting approval” before the post it’s published on this subreddit?

How popular was the game, simpsons hit and run here?

I know the simpsons isn’t very popular in non-English speaking Europe but Malta speaks English and I believe that the simpsons kicked off here in the 90s and 2000s

So the simpsons hit and run was a kid friendly gta at the time but simpsons themed and was a massive hit in the UK, Australia, Ireland, and pretty much anywhere that had a simpsons cult following So I’m wondering, was this game popular here too?

How popular is the game, simpsons hit and run here?

A classic ps2 game made in Vancouver by radical entertainment in 2003