The thing with microdosing is I have a binge style mind or make up and if I have something and my brain likes it, just like with alcohol, I'm going to want to take more of it there and then. I've never successfully microdosed because I just then take enough to get high.

A mixture of ketamine and mushrooms and mdma (at different times), done properly, not as an excessive party drug, allowed me to calm my brain down. Calm down the inner critic and the shame and hence the social anxiety, and then that in turn, really dampened my need (not desire) to drink.

I didn't Know it but I didn't want to drink really, I wanted to cure loneliness and relax around people, but I could only do that with booze. Once I faced that loneliness (extremely painful, and why it existed - ie family - then I calmed down) and saw clearly what I was using alcohol for, and that led me to just not want to drink it anymore. Being that A) it's fucked most my life up, and B) I enjoy socializing and the feeling of being around people without being intoxicated on this substance that blurs reality.

I quit booze before but I did it as a disciplined thing for a year and I constantly battled it and wanted to drink. That's because I was stuck in abandonment and loneliness, when I managed to face that, the actual desire to drink has almost completely subsided.

The AA meetings I have been to, the common theme is people pleasing. I started to realise how much of a people pleaser I have been. Ie - If everyone is drinking and I'm not then I'm ruining the good times right? And then unconsciously if I ruin the good times I won't be socially fun and then I'll be left on my own. Henceforth I better make myself the life and soul of the party and then I'll never be lonely.

I think this is a big problem with recovery, transferring addiction, and the way people think about booze. It all comes back to loneliness. But if you are very good, a lifetime expert no less, at pretending and feeling like you're not lonely, then getting to that reality to be able to grieve it, is going to be a bit of a challenge. This is where psychedelics help because they break down the walls you have built up to convince yourself you are not lonely or your family was perfect.

Takes work, but these are my conclusions.

I am not sure I'd ever have stopped problem drinking without psychedelics. My mind was never at rest unless I had a drink and that needed a lot of rewiring. Much like relearning to hit a draw when you've been slicing the ball since you could remember.

People say it's 50% but tbh if you've golfed at a muni with randos long enough you start to realize that cannot be true. I think it's between 50 and 20%. Now if you asked 100 golfers it would be like 75%.

This sounds crazy to me to focus on that one negative but I know I'd do it too.

I'm thinking lately the hyper alert state isn't the best for golf and that's why I remember everything.

Does a tree make a sound in the woods if noone hears it? I really struggle with this as a struggling golfer. Like, I'm trying to break 90 and if I do on my own it will feel slightly deflating because none of my golf friends will believe it. The real non golf friends will. I am trying to work on playing solely for myself as a pursuit of bettering my skill and zen on the course. But still always like some validation.

Also worth noting it's really not about the players at all but people are contriving it to be. The players are in shackles.

Perfect. Looks so alien to what we are doing atm and so simple. And we have players more then capable of doing this relatively simple move. GOOD GOD IT'S MADDENING.

It's crazy and people say we are being too negative about him etc. Beyond all the chat about formation etc.. Just tell the players to lose the ball if they lose it, but pass it forwards. He must wake them up with tin pots in the morning screaming never lose the ball! He's given a team of Uber confident 20 somethings the collective yips.

Surely there's chemicals on these balls. And hence one yours too, when you're bathing em.

Nothing going to haunt him, he said it himself, he doesn't care.

When pep wasn't playing Foden neither was Southgate. It's a fucking farce.

Looks so pissed off on the bench too. Proper hungry.

This is it. You then watch Spain and you see that there is a clear ethic where there will be NO passing back and forth at the back like this. They will advance the ball and if they lose it then so be it. It's about as painful a sporting spectacle as I've ever watched each time I see it. I'm not good at watching a game or seeing the tactics but watching world class athletes do this because they're scared of losing the ball and aren't being instructed to take risks is why everyone is calling for Southgate's blood.

I am a total YouTube golf addict but any scramble format trying to break a course record is so fucking dull. On a good day I'm sure me and tiger could do it. It's just a redundant hypothetical.

People simply always being next to each other in conversation should he very obviously taking a lot longer than individuals hitting.

How you're being downvoted I don't know. But I do remember Capello completely losing the younger players/banning phones etc. Because of the defensive style etc we are forgetting Southgate is a vibes guy. The problem is even now that seems to be flailing because the players seem to lack some confidence. The British public are being blamed for this but I strongly doubt that's the case.

Is this why when you find people's errant balls in the rough they have one or two dots on them do you think?

If you asked the Spanish players to just defend I'm sure they'd kill a game off magnificently. They know they can't win the tournament like that so they don't embed that style of play into their team. Only my 2 cents.