I made these accent pillows from leftover fabric. I've decided I want to add something to the one in the center it so I took it apart and added batting and backing. I was going to add an outline of the maple leaf block over the squares but now I'm not sure. I'd welcome any suggestions!

Another vote for cuffs and hem ribbing! If you have enough, and you're doing long sleeves, you could extend the numeric color up from the cuffs a little bit.

The shirt I'm working on only calls for 1" of ribbing on the bottom hem.

I didn't mind winding by hand so much when I first started knitting but it got old fast. Especially when I started making sweaters. I got a ball winder and swift for Xmas and I love them both. If I had to pick only one though, I'd pick the swift. Winding by hand would have been much easier with a swift.

I have a hard enough time with straight lines! 😂 It looks great. I love the colors!

Thanks! I needed something bright and colorful to work on during the grey days of winter. I'm really happy with how it came out.

I love it! I'm a big fan of shawl collars. 😊

I remembered after having to frog the lace shawl I was working on and had to start all over again. I put in a lifeline after every damn section after that! 😂

They're not thinking about you (or anyone) else at all, that's the problem.

I'd love to take the train but it would mean an extra night in a hotel to make the schedule work

Beautiful! And kinda explains why they built it out of concrete! 😁

It's in the Gorge but if you're even down this way, Larch mountain has a road to the top where there is a short hike up to the viewing platform where you can see 5 peaks on a clear day. The main trail leads down from the parking area, all the way to the Multnomah Falls trail if you like.

Driving from Vancouver, WA to Vancouver, B.C. What are good stopping points?

We typically like to drive for about two hours at a stretch and then stop for a bathroom break and stretch our legs. If there is something worth stopping and looking at, even better! We are making the trip up and back, about a week apart. Taking I-5 pretty much the whole way unless a small detour is worth it. We'll pack a lunch unless an especially good food option fits our schedule.

My tension is usually pretty even but I find this happening when I use cotton yarn, even when knitting in the round. It blocks out though so I don't worry about it. Your tension will get more even as you get more experience.

I like the colors you have now and wouldn't add any new ones. Depending on how much yarn you have of each color, I think it would look nice if you continued the green down to the bottom but added a white stripe and then blue at the cuffs.