
They just swapped their suits and helmets for shit and giggles..

well, couple of cope cages on the sunbrellas, helmet for the lifeguard and season can continue..

huge respect to your talent. do you please think that it would be possible to share a .step or some other neutral model?

the corect version is the second, to fuck russia.. no one wants to have a polite intercourse with russia.. (that would be the first translation)

I don't care what they want. They are a financial institution offering their services based upon others also on trust.. Why they are trying to loose it is a mystery for now. And no, the nexo card is not an option, especially for bigger sums.

Or inform in advance as any serious institution would do.

When someone introduces a new fee, without warning in advance [email sent today, fee introduced today] it is at best a shady practice or actually a robbery.. How can you be sure that they don't do it for crypto?

Nope, identical pairs aren't that rare due to family purchases / company cars and similar..

Vyzerame snad ze zereme seno????

Vyzor mi neprislucha hodnotit, ale vysledky slobodneho rozhodovania mnohemu nasvedcuju..

Testing or thinking?

Black horizontal lines every 3mm. Did a photo of the screen as support requested and they created a replacement order. The bad one is supposed to be picked up after the delivery of the replacement.

Ordered 27th February, delivered 1st March.. Display died within 24 hours, replacement unit has delivery date of 4th April..

Yeap. Together with bacon goddess..

the answer to your problem are animals. you end up running after anything that moves out there, stealth mode for last two steps and here you go..

Otázka znie, či to vôbec je korupcia alebo skôr forma komunikácie.. nikto neobjednáva u dodávateľa kvôli zákusku, ale tam, kde verí, že dostane najlepšiu hodnotu za peniaze..

Jeden príklad z korporátnej reality: predpokladá sa, že drobné vyjadrenie zdvorilosti je prípustné. Kvety, iné kraviny do 50 Euro mesačne sú v poriadku, ak sú prijaté verejne, lebo sa zároveň predpokladá, že to nie je suma, ktorá ovplyvňuje tvoje rozhodovanie. Inžinieri sa najlepšie korumpujú koláčmi, netechnické oddelenia kvetmi vylepšené čokoládou..

Both devices will last me about 5 years, maybe more. I am not convinced that Fold can be reasonably expected to survive 5 years of intense usage.