Oh shit they have Bluetooth now? I remember having a couple of those but with an aux cable sticking out of them.

And who can forget the little FM transmitters that you'd tune to an unused radio frequency, connect to your phone via aux, and switch your car radio to the same station. Good times.

Her arm, her butt, and even the road itself are warping

You really had to make it racist didn't you?

Fair enough! I read that as saying the commenter was abusing Adderall.

For real though the amount of projection is wild.

In theory lube would make them less likely to rip. Probably still a bad idea though

Until said redundancy causes a rip because of the two condoms rubbing against each other.

Nope. The friction between them can lead to rips, which is the last thing you want with your condoms

The thought is the two condoms rub against each other creating more friction which can lead to them ripping.

So it's not generally a good idea, no.

The idea is the two condoms rub against each other creating more friction which can lead to them ripping.

So it's not generally a good idea, no.

"Let's test this theory"

Followed by a question unrelated to the topic at hand.

And if it is related, the question is asked in bad faith. You know where you're going with this and how you plan to attack my response, while leaving me in the dark as to how they're related. You're not looking for a discussion, you're looking for a way to "win"

Lol that's absolutely false. I can say "Trump is a racist piece of shit". That doesn't make me racist.

He died to Fuck-ash as he said the first ideal. He was being watched by Design, which is why he saw shadows out of the corners of his vision and things in mirrors. The Cryptics were watching him.

🎵 I got it from my daddy. I got it from my daddy 🎵

Your frustration is 100% justified and that was a great message.

You were clear about your expectations, how this behavior affects you, and still left a huge amount of wiggle room for when people really need to miss a session.

I think people who haven't been a DM in the past are unaware of how much work and stress goes into planning and running a campaign/session.

Getting something in return for your kindness shouldn't be the reason you're kind, but it sure does happen often. I've gotten so much free food from places where I'm a regular at because they get to know me and I'm always kind to them.

Similarly when I used to travel for work, I got so many free upgrades at the hotel I would stay at because the front desk liked me.

Having worked IT, I also try to help our IT department whenever I can. Get in good with IT and you're golden.

"We want you to center this div"


"Without using flexbox"

Mother of god

The pain...

Years ago I spent an hour or so trying to figure out why my JavaScript changes weren't being applied. I cursed Chrome and its over eager caching.

I was editing the wrong file.