Good advice,

break break

sadly it seems like over 50% of my time in the Air Force is spent making sure some database is current or that I have access to said databases

They've been political since 2018, remember the Colin Kaepernick Ad?

You don't understand, he just really has to piss

There's a right and wrong way to do MCA:

Right way: Select the highest performers in their primary duty, with an emphasis on deployability, physical fitness, and problem solving ability. Send them through multiple related training courses and pour money and resources into making them proficient in 2 or 3 critical skills, such as aircraft maintenance, aircrew, logistics, aircraft protection, COMSEC and communications, etc. Cultivate a mindset of calculated risk-taking while reducing bureaucracy. Eliminate additional duties for these people and make the majority of them non-supervisory, then have them remain technical in these 2 or 3 skills swapping between them on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis for the next few years. Mark them on their OPBs/EPBs for their job performance and continued deployability, while offering financial and non-financial incentives to remain in the Air Force and treat them as an elite, selective cadre.

Wrong Way: Cut manning and funding for aircraft maintenance, CE, comm, and security forces, then force the remaining people to assume more responsibility and work for the same pay. Drive out the best people with a never-ending workload, minimal support, and a high-level of bureaucracy. When the end quality suffers with more gates being closed, longer wait times to fix simple problems, and fewer aircraft being flyable, the entire base suffers in ways that can't easily be quantified, but which reduce the quality of life and mission readiness of the Wing.

That's what I'm saying.

BTW ATP pilots are retired at 65, other certs don't have an age limit

Insane that controllers retire at 56 while pilots go until 65 and are pushing for 67

1 franchised fast food store is worth upwards of $3M, even in a mediocre location in a small town.

He's worth between $10M and $100M with those alone, ignoring the logistics chain etc which also has value.

Pollos is implied to be well run and the restaurant is shown to be busy, I'd say CFA is a closer comp than KFC

I see this talking point all over Reddit.

I don't know how someone can say "both sides lost". President Trump was his usual self. President Biden wouldn't have been out of place in a hospice memory care.

After watching that debate I'd advocate for Vice Prez Harris to take over the presidential duties today and assume control of the nuclear football. You have to wonder who is really in charge right now.

And I say that as someone who voted for President Biden in 2020. He has declined big time since the 2020 debates.

30% of the force would be busted down

He didn't just "lose his train of thought for a few seconds".

He looked confused, lost, and scared on the stage for the first half.

Multiple times he said things that either made no sense or were outright falsehoods.

He had to be physically helped off the stage at the end.

He got in a few canned lines that he obviously prepped. His most lucid point during the debate was when he argued about golf.

His decline from the debate 4 years ago was remarkable.

Couldn't that be duplicated regionally? I.e. start a home warranty company in south FL (or wherever FTDR is weakest), and then expand from there?