My husband cares a lot, and yeh I’m pretty absorbed by the life changing event of moving out of state. House shopping is a pretty self-absorbed activity, much like clothes shopping. You’re searching for what fits you and your family. That’s what it’s about, lol

Update: We came to a resolution. I have no problem with them talking and catching up, just not when we’re supposed to be focusing on housing and the move. This is a pretty huge, life changing event for our family. I’m uprooting a business I’ve owned for over a decade and starting over somewhere new. We’re a blended family, having a fresh start in a new state. It’s a big step, and yeh, I want attention to be paid where it’s due, which is the main reason we connected with her to begin with. Boundary established: If we’re visiting to socialize, talk away. If we’re looking at houses or doing paper work, let’s focus. Sounds reasonable.

Can’t help but think about the child. I would help on the baby’s behalf alone, at least in a way that’s reasonable and doesn’t inconvenience you too much. Not saying ytah, but have a heart.

Though it would be tempting, I’d do it just to get even at that point, and I’m not like that.

I guess I see your point, but I was just being polite, mentioned my concern, and got attacked. I own a business, don’t have time to watch TV.

I don’t mind that they caught up, I just feel it wasn’t the time or place bc I was ignored for about an hour.

So, telling my husband that sitting there for an hour being pretty much ignored for my Sunday afternoon(I only have 1 day off), is something I should have just grin, bared, and kept to myself? I don’t think he would’ve liked that if the tables were turned. The way I communicated was me just trying to be nice about it bc I was not emotional, until he got defensive.

Lol, yeh I mentioned that as a hypothetical and I know he wouldn’t like that, although he said he wouldn’t have cared…yeh right.

At the end of the convo her and I connected and I was genuinely looking forward to meeting her, feeling positive about moving forward. In the past my husband has expressed to me that he always wants me to be honest about how I feel, so I was. I was honest about my slight apprehension about mixing friendship and business, and he got defensive.

Read Song of Solomon. Nothing wrong with finding your spouse pleasurable, it’s a big part of what marriage is for. And logically speaking, after a woman reaches menopause, her and her husband can’t enjoy sex? I don’t think so.

I am remarried and yes, to my second husband. We are so perfect for each other, and I’m grateful God gave me a second chance!

I like the Brazilian Keratin treatments. Not permanent, but lasts a while.

I think of Hebrews 12:6 when it comes to this question. God chastens those He loves. Not to mention, we live in a fallen world where there are so many factors that determine circumstances, it’s impossible to count. Ancestry, genetics, spiritual principalities, familiar spirits, soul ties, environmental factors…etc. A part of why we’re here is to overcome these circumstances through obedience to God, who stays with us through our circumstances. He is a miracle worker! He will never leave us nor forsake us, and we are to trust Him through it all, no matter what. That is what faith looks like. Our faith is a substance. You’re not bad for questioning God. Always be open, transparent, and honest with our Father, and he’ll be real with you in return. Keep your eyes on Jesus, not what this world is doing:). He will never fail you. Also, us children of God have Heaven to look forward to!! Spread the Word so others don’t go to hell.

This is you. You saw the Reddit door. You tried to walk through, just being yourself, but you didn’t fit in. Then, you had an idea! You posted this for whatever reason! But then, you realized you shouldn’t have bc now people think you’re stupid! Or are you…………….

The Book of Acts illustrates the building blocks and foundation of the church. The Holy Spirit was very much present, and God knew this was being written for a future time. Ananias and his wife agreed to the terms of sharing everything with one another within the early church, with Peter at the head. They had to be made an example of (much like all the people of the Bible) to show what is and isn’t acceptable to God. They were dishonest to Peter, someone who was only 1 degree separated from Jesus Himself. Basically, I think the lesson here is don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re part of God’s body but can lie to and steal from it at the same time without consequence.

Why is everyone focused on the tushies, I’m still stuck on the giant wieners…


Well, here’s an idea of how you’ll look with it short!