Thanks for the reply! This is now on my shopping list.

Pedestal model is running $20 off in May Savings Event

I wouldn’t reverse sear a hanger steak or skirt steak. But most others, yes, reverse sear is the answer.

I use tape as well, which mostly serves as a reminder to any engineer or co-driver assisting me in/out that that’s not the end to be touching.

Are you frequently removing the cord from the jack? Over time this wears out how firm the plug is held in the jack. The only end I remove is the side which connects to the in-car adapter which sits behind my seat’s halo. This leaves the cord dangling on my helmet when I’m not in the car…but I use a Velcro tab on top of my helmet to store the cord so I doesn’t whip around when I’m getting in/out.

Lucky Dog Racing League is popular for affordability and seems really well run

:sergio-perez-11: Sergio Pérez

I was there in 2013 cheering for Kimi. I recall the sounds of downshifts crackling and bouncing off the buildings. I could feel it in my chest.

Mrs. Hummingbird: “You had me at hello”

That’s inviting a lot more trouble than a few quick bucks on the side are worth.

Just wait til some unsuspecting Uber Eats driver walks in to pick up a hot dog combo order and walks out with a gazebo

I’d do backflips for a LTO (limited time offering) of international items rotating on a seasonal basis

Please tell us this is a shitpost

:sergio-perez-11: Sergio Pérez

That’s about the coolest credential I’ve ever seen…”F1 World Champion”

More items from international Food Court menus available in US warehouses

You can preview the next business savings event items (that starts May 28) on the app. Use the Shop button at the bottom of the Home Screen and then select Business Delivery.

“Kirk to Enterprise, he’s walking this way with a pizza, beam me up”