Romina for me, I adore the colours of the arena and boss, also a pretty fun fight in general.

As much as I love the set I’m a little surprised the blue cloth couldn’t be altered at all

Yeah with a mage build it is rough, even with mimic tear it was a endurance match of crowd control amidst a bullet hell of projectiles

Oh gee the 13 year old game is not nearly as refined an experience as the 2 year old game, I wonder why that is.

Well obviously he’s your irl morale booster

Streamlining the experience, be it how grind was paced or how just about all the grindy stuff have feedback loops built in and play off each other

The Anor Londo archers of Elden Ring

Just an FP equivalent to the blessed dew talisman at least, seems weird it’s not already a thing imo

As a player of a female Miqo’te I’ve taken to describing this as the “accidental lesbian” scene to my friends, I was wearing the carbuncle jacket at the time and the carbuncle on the shoulder conveniently lined up properly to make the whole thing that much more amusing to us

“I’m blunt and to the point” he says after two paragraphs of “humble” bragging

The amount of times where the I’ve yet to cart but once the monster begins limping i then suddenly cart twice in less than a minute leading to a very stressful fight that had been no problem till then

That’s some dope gear y’all got there…….. oh no that’s some dope gear y’all got there…..

My experience comes from trying to menu into a quite out since I play with controller so it’s faster for me to menu a quit than trying for alt+f4 on the fly, and from experience quitting on the same frame you die causes a game freeze which auto kills you when you load the save again

What I believe is happening here is people trying to quite out in a boss room, however they end up doing it the exact frame the game over happens, this freezes the game and loading back in immediately kills you in the last valid safe location such as outside the boss arena.

There’s a refight with every single remembrance boss (main game and dlc included), at the same time as in all at once, and it’s mandatory to finish the dlc

Given what happens in the true ending it honestly makes sense why they don’t stay placed, now why they couldn’t make it so only that ending triggers their return to storage I don’t know

I’m still sitting here wondering if Warfarer will allow me to wear anything, never really expected it to be OP just incredibly versatile, if it can wear anything only then is it truly an OP class

Safi shows up during the end game of iceborne, I don’t remember if the notification shows up if you can’t fight him, and there could be a 2 week period where neither is up, been awhile since I actually played so don’t remember how things play out for the cycles between Safi and Kulve

From what I remember they swap out every two weeks or so

Probably uses a safi weapon with with Blackveil set bonus for one of the augment slots