Being a cinephile is both part of the reason he moved to where he lives at and the catalyst of one of his quest lines in the game.


Michael de Santa, Grand Theft Auto 5

Her Blankness is so overpowering that she is functionally invisible to most mortals, and even many Astartes, because their brains just outright refuse to accept her existence.

This, unfortunately, does not prevent Kharn the Betrayer from cutting her down at the Siege of Terra (though he was mildly confused as to why his kill counter seemingly ticked up one at random).


Jenetia Krole, "Soulless Queen of the Imperium". Knight-Commander of the Silent Sisterhood.

The Terror of Mechagodzilla.

And fair warning - part of it is genuine misophonia triggered by Titanosaurus's roar.

Ein, from Cowboy Bebop.


Fun fact - all of Ein's vocalizations in the show were performed by an actual Corgi (albeit a Cardigan rather than a Welsh), who was owned by the show's producer.

Best part? Julie Farkas's VA, Laura Bailey, is also in Skyrim, as Serana.

Gonna go out on a limb and assume she has that M for the same reason as Bishop?

Oh, That's an Ugly Noise, Son!

The second one's design and demeanor legit reminds me of Helob from Cult of the Lamb.


True, but shonen powerscaling tends to make Godzilla powerscaling seem tame and reasonable.

Still, like I said, Godzillo was largely just Toho poking fun at themselves with a silly cameo.

"Honk for the Honk God!"

Also notable for NOT necessarily being evil despite the "killer clown" routine.


Aeldari Harlequins, from Warhammer 40k

Watsonian answer - he's not actually Godzilla, he just mimics his appearance and powers (at absolute most, about on Junior's level in Vs Spacegodzilla). He's still a human being.

Doylist answer - shonen silliness paired with Godzillo being a one-off cameoc with no impact on events.

Beast Titan, not Ape. Zeke's Beast form was a hominid ape, but other forms are shown (ex. Falco's being a bird).

Godzillo, in one of the movies. Toho's animation department distributes MHA and its movies, so they included Godzillo as a joke (his Quirk is even called "Toho"; it literally just makes him a Mini-Me of Godzilla).


"They call me 'hero of Helsreach'.

As if there is only one..."


Merek Grimaldus, Chaplain of the Black Templars and Reclusiarch of the Helsreach Crusade, from Helsreach by Aaron Demski-Bowden

Much as I prefer Kharn's narrator in the audiodramas, Keeble's narration of that scene in the audiobook for Betrayer is perfect.


The REAL kicker is when you make the same kind of jokes at their expense, and suddenly they're having to be restrained from assaulting you in a fit of apoplectic rage.

Because while they'll happily dish it, they never seem able to take it in return.



Slaanesh is a helluva drug, man.