(Unrelated) it’s so sad that PC didn’t get the rainbow banner, I just don’t understand at all :(

My partner and I just shoot each other looks if the other or a nearby stranger is eating in an egregious manner.

If it’s one of us, the look is drenched in passive aggressiveness.

I can deal with slurping, I can’t deal with open mouthed chewers lol.

Oh no :( I hope so, I love Pool too.

Edit: I do hate the idea of people working with predators of any caliber, but I hope when it happens it’s in a “I’m just using you because I hate you and then I’m going to ruin you” sort of way.

Wow self drilling too! You just lay it on the surface and it starts boring itself in.

Someone trying to adjust tone to the strength of the sun isn’t easy, it’s not always colourism.

Which word? Incorrigible in the sense that neither are capable of bettering their act, at least it seems that way at this point lol if you mean that.

This is a very dehumanizing way to look at it.

Until the man gives me a reason to assume he’s dangerous, I’m going to be neutral about him.

I don’t trust the guy, but I wouldn’t label him anything beyond homeless yet, and especially not dangerous from a picture.

My perception isn’t stretching it to the point of saying he has a weapon, or any other number of things not pictured.

OP doesn’t seem like a trustworthy narrator either; and most of the people replying to me seem to just think homeless people are one of either gross or dangerous—which just is not the case a lot of the time.

Homeless -/- criminal.

I agree, but the image we have sways more in the direction of him being harmless, albeit maybe an annoyance.

I’m about to blow your mind: Look out your window, you’re allowed to cut (most) of that (ask in the case it’s not your property though).

Turns it sideways and starts carving into the mantle of Earth.

Sounds like an item from The Binding of Isaac lol.

I disagree with this.

Do we think people weren’t obsessive over looks and perceptions when they were having portraits painted of themselves?

Have artists not always drawn and painted landscapes like Bob Ross?

It’s sad that you can’t read back on your own comment thread, lmao.

Watch out, the poor people are always super scary, on drugs, and have a weapon at the ready.

Absolute asinine ape.