I always used to wonder about the "good Germans" who let Hitler and his cronies run wild. This is what happened there. People just kept their heads down and hoped they didn't draw the attention of the baddies.

The thing is, Hitler didn't have access to your ISPs logs. Trump will, should he demand them.

Have a great 4th of July!

If someone is unaccountable to the law, we do not have the rule of law. Ergo, we do not and cannot have a democracy while these laws exist.

Not for years and years of dedicated effort. Think the forces that want to repeal this will get the chance in the face of, say, a President bent on destroying said forces?

We're in for a rough ride.

He thinks Biden is President of Groceries or something?

You think this is likely to happen? Biden has said he's not going to tinker with the court.

I see people pretending that this decision is just a clarification of current law. In the hands of a functional government, maybe. Maybe. Sure, if, say, Presidents were not known to be criminals. But we have a long litany of criminal Presidents.

But none of them had carte blanche immunity from investigation if they claim their actions are official.

SCOTUS is pretending we live in a different universe than we do. A universe where Presidents are constrained in their use of their office by decorum, civility and willingness to obey the law.

We all know this is NOT the reality we have ever lived in. Reagan did hair-raising shit in Central America and only got caught because he was caught hiding it. If he'd been able to just shrug and claim trading arms for hostages was an official act, no big deal, we're doing even more of it? I doubt anyone would have ever even KNOWN about it in that case, not for years and years.

That's what we're living in. This decision is the ONE RING. The temptation to abuse your office would be overwhelming. After all, nothing can ever touch you and you can pardon your way out of anything, and nobody can ever do anything about it.

A truly fucked up criminal President could even just black-bag a few congress people for a little chat, and explain that removing him from office is a threat to America. You think it's impossible? It's happened all around the world, and all throughout history.

I think people are desperately searching for a silver lining but there isn't one. This ruling guarantees that we will have more fucked up Presidents and eventually, a pure tyrant in office. Shit it could happen in six months.

Everyone who comes after him will be worse. Some of them might be much smarter and more charismatic than he is. We're in for a rough time, IMO.

They NEVER go away. Shit I don't even want some future Democrat with these powers. I don't like Joe Biden having them.

I don't see us getting rid of them anytime soon, if we keep this current government, that is. Which is becoming increasingly dubious.

A tyrant president could simply pardon himself and have any detractors he chose to imprisoned or worse.

He claims it is an official act. You cannot prosecute him without first getting a court to agree such actions are not official acts. On the way to the courthouse a white van full of his thugs disappear you.

Impeach him? He just black-bagged federal prosectors. You think Congresspeople are going to stand up to him?

This ruling opens the door to tyranny. It is madness.

VP doesn't have dibs. Their only job is to break a tie in the Senate and be alive in case the President dies.

How so? There are folks who worship ancient Greek gods in the world.

"Everybody's got a plan until they get punched in the mouth", M. Tyson.

If a person doesn't have control over their body and what they are allowed to do with it, then that person is not free. If they are not free, they are not equal. If they are not equal, then, in the USA, any law that puts them in this position is unconstitutional. "All men are created equal." (Applies to women, too, don't get cute.)

Yes they should do this and just add a configurable webhook in place of this dumb rabbit hole nonsense. Would become an AI hobbyist's dream tool.

Would prefer no aristocracies in the USA, thanks. (Love the Obamas but we don't need political families.)

We shall see. That's why we have elections and don't rely on Reddit randos to choose our leadership.

LMAO. First, you'd need to prove it wasn't an official act.

How, exactly, will you do that in the face of a lawless President who is murdering SCJs?

Wouldn't they just murder YOU, as a prosecutor? Maybe even the AG?

Once they start murdering people, if you can't arrest them for it, you can't do shit and they will get away with it.

It's an extreme example, sure, but a relevant one.

Allowing ANYONE to have carte blanche to commit crimes and stay beyond the reach of the law is untenable in a democracy. It means you do not have one if that person is unaccountable to the People.

Hint: We went over this 250 ish years ago.

Trump winning isn't "inevitable". LMAO

If you think SCROTUS recent ruling isn't going to galvanize the left and get them to the polls, well, you're dreaming.

Their brains are damaged. That's literally what has happened to them. Sorry but it is the truth. You wouldn't be mad at a toddler, or someone with TBI, so my advice is to try to keep that in mind.