How long has it been? I’m in a very short stint (10 trays/10 weeks) of Invisalign because I didn’t wear my retainers but I was in braces for 2-2.5 years about 15 years ago. These things take time, and probably more in Invisalign than if you wear braces. It also takes longer to move teeth if you’re an adult compared to if you’re a kid/teen. Also, i am not an ortho but it seems braces can do more in a shorter amount of time because they’re on full time and there’s more force/control of each tooth compared to Invisalign.

Do you have to pay more for refinements? If not, I really empathize with your frustration about more time but at least you don’t have to pay more. Keep on trucking and maybe take a look at your before pics compared to now. There has got to be a big difference, right?

As for clenching, have you spoken to a medical doctor about this? Something you can do on your own is assess your intake of electrolytes… adding magnesium can help. Also practicing “mewing” where you hold your tongue at the roof of your mouth can help a lot. Best of luck to you

What’s the point of the container within the board? It seems kind of gimmicky tbh. It’s not that much harder to put your prep in another container.

I haven’t experienced this but it sounds like you’re experiencing dissociation.

Posted here a couple times struggling with Lexapro not working in the week leading up to my period. Added Wellbutrin and it seems to have helped a lot.

Was on 10mg Lex for 6 months for anxiety and depression and it helped me a lot. But the week before my period I would still get THE WORST depression, SI, feeling like I’d want to quit my job, leave my husband, etc. for no good reason. It was like the Lexapro stopped working completely. I dreaded my period coming and after a few months of it not getting better, I refused to accept that I would have to deal with this every single month.

I also lost my (naturally low anyway) libido and so on top of the depression creeping up especially around my period, my doctor prescribed 150mg Wellbutrin XL along with the Lexapro l. I’ve had 2 periods on it so far and I still get some pms symptoms, as I think most of us with periods do, but they’re MUCH more manageable. I’m actually able to look at my feelings and thoughts from an outside perspective rather than being beholden to them and drowning in them.

My doctor was so sweet, she said she didn’t want me to feel like she was just throwing meds at me and I said I was more concerned I was just trying to ask for more drugs because I had read Wellbutrin may help. She said you’re not asking for drugs, you’re asking for help. 💗

I know everyone is different but I just wanted to share this anecdote for anyone who may be struggling with this issue.

Omg this post is adorable I love you OP

Anyone remember City Lights music fest in Calder back in the early 2010s?

Definitely unusual. Get a babysitter.

North of Holland, drop in at Hemlock Crossing and take Pigeon River into Pigeon Lake and then Lake Michigan. It’s lovely and it’s slow moving so you’re able to paddle back up the river.

Agreed, we just got two single cots after spending an entire weekend on the ground because our air mattress had holes in it (thanks kitties) and we didn’t realize before we left. Never will I put myself at the mercy of an air mattress again.

Reading words wrong?

This is something that happens to everyone but one month on Wellbutrin I have noticed this happening to me more often.

Just a small and mostly inconsequential side effect I have noticed. Anyone else?

I work with people that I have legitimately never seen drink water. They will crack a Mountain Dew at 7 am. It’s gross.

So capitalism is a Ponzi scheme. Got it.

How we evolved as a species involved a lot of death before reaching adulthood, and if you did make it to adulthood, it was rare to make it past 40.

Imagine living through the golden age of American capitalism and not coming out of it with a plan for retirement, at the very least.

I’m def not a doctor but it’s interesting your doctor is already changing up your meds after 5 weeks, as it can take up to 8 weeks for these meds to have their full effects.

That said if you have periods, these meds can be less effective around that time because of hormones. It was terrible for me on just Lexapro, every month I’d dread that week because I would regress so much.

I personally have noticed a lot of relief adding Wellbutrin after being on lexapro for 6 months. Not saying that’s the right combo for you but I would definitely not give up trying to find the right balance and just remember these meds take some time to truly work. Hope you are feeling better soon. For now, be gentle with yourself. Best of luck to you.

Nah I believe it, at least the part about the ramp. It’s the weirdest ramp I’ve ever been on. It has felt scary since the beginning.

The easy setup tents are a great invention and really make packing up when neurotransmitters are depleted a lot easier :) We got a random brand (comotop) off Amazon a couple years ago because we weren’t looking to spend a lot and it’s been great.

I have an update! Just as I suspected as a layman, the rear seal failed. They replaced it for free, they actually had to have it brought to another shop and ate the $500 cost. My husband only saw the cost because he had to sign the invoice acknowledging the work was done before getting the car back.

So it all turned out okay. Thanks again for your reply.

I mean they’re not your traditional cheesy puffs but imo they are really good for what they are as a functional food