That guy is sus as shit but legally he should be allowed to stand on the sidewalk that is public property, right?

Jeg vidste ikke det var ulovligt at have holdninger og tale frit, men det er måske kun når det går imod dine?

Det var uden tvivl sødt ment men jeg ville synes det var sindsygt irriterende at få besøg uanmeldt og især så tidligt om morgenen når jeg har tømmermænd.

Derudover må du forstå at det for de fleste tager tid at udvikle følelser og at disse følelser skal være til stede for at man “gider” gøre disse gestusser. Det kan for andre derfor virke uægte.

I mention an arrangement that I have and politely remind them in the morning, always worked, except once where I had to fake a panic attack she was fucking annoying and slow to leave.

“I have reconsidered myself even more right in declining your envitation”

Nej, jeg forventer ikke at landsholdstræneren spiller bedre fodbold end spillerne.

Det fortæller dog noget om en persons manglende viljestyrke at være overvægtig.

It was water. How fucked up is your country lol

Why was it a problem that you were sleeping there? And wasn’t there another place you could have parked to sleep?

Oh didn’t know you could do that. I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to know a persons income in EU like that

Hvad med at knalde andre? I kan stadig være kærester

Hvorfor han gjorde det? Validering og liderlighed. Jeg forstår ikke hvorfor man skal “snakke” så meget om det? Hvad vil du få ud af disse mange lange snakke?

Just having a name and address does not give you insight into that persons economy

I’m a standard white collar office job. I shower daily per standard and additional shower after exercising

So this is super fake. But even if wasn’t it would be abused

He is so not a gentleman to that lady

Quick fix: tear it down and contact lawyer so he doesn’t put it up again he can’t angle it so it records into your yard. Very clear laws about that.

Went from our date to a bar to meet some friends of mine, ended up at a “private” techno party (it was during corona) bought some mdma off the DJ went home to mines and dressed her up in an American flag and fucked her ass on my living room table. Took her to the park for a morning walk the day after and then pizza in bed. Ended up dating for about a year.

Your feelings and the way you explained it is spot on. Unfortunately it seems she is way less invested in this relationship than you are, do you really want to fight this battle of “convincing” her?