A house? Is your sister's name Dorothy, by any chance?

If you're a NSW resident and you have private hospital cover, you may be eligible for no-gap surgery through the Access program, where they link you up with surgeons who do not charge more than the Medicare schedule fee for your surgery.

It's how I got my reduction done in March 2020, I think all up including anesthetist fees, consult fees, and insurance excess it probably cost less than 4k, compared to the 20k plus it would have cost if I'd gone the normal private route. It's definitely worth it!! Just don't put on weight afterwards cos they WILL grow back. Thanks, lockdowns!

Oh my God I just realized I was reading this as 'swapped SHORTS' for a day and was wondering why that would make a difference, and why the girls playing basketball weren't in swimming costumes. I thought swapping their respective sports would be so much funnier and I was getting annoyed with the video for not making sense, oops

My condolences for the loss of bread in your life, friend.

As a disabled person, I fucking love QR code menus. Especially when they link to online ordering so I don't have to get up from the table and stand in a queue to order. This also means they're more likely to have their menu available on a website so I can look it up prior to visiting which I also love! These are just little added accessibility bonuses that really help me.

Pretty sure you mean gluttonous here, but I'm reading this as if you're a celiac sneering at regular people who can eat gluten like they're scum of the earth and that's hilarious

Allergic to the 40 foot pine? No problem! Make sure all the pine trees in your area are carefully lopped off at around the 30 foot level and maintained under the deadly 40 foot mark, and you'll be fine!

That song KILLS me. I recently heard a choral version of it and it was so incredibly beautiful but still made me sob!

I know how you feel! I hate having to leave the table midway through a meal to rush to the toilet, especially if I end up being there for a while. It's embarrassing coming back to the table afterwards when everyone is looking at you wondering wtf took you so long! It's so bullshit when medical professionals say 'just eat healthier' like sure okay I get sick from eating cheese ice cream and anything deep fried but also eggs, cauliflower, onion, 2 minute noodles, avocado, salad vegetables, soy, WeetBix and other breakfast cereals... The list goes on. If I take the medication I don't get sick at all!

It was my GP that prescribed it, yeah! I've been taking it since 2013, I went in complaining of chronic diarrhea, she pulled out a textbook and looked up something (either the condition or the medication, I can't remember) then gave me a script for cholestyramine. It was brilliant! I've heard of other meds, particularly one called colesevelam, which do the same thing but in pill form instead of powdered resin but they just don't seem to be available here in Australia.

Right?? I really should start chasing it up with my local pharmacies and see if I can find one that has it in stock. I've tried about three so far and they all say they're still out, as soon as they get any in they fill the backorders and immediately run out. What makes it worse is there's no generics or any other medication that can be used to treat this, at least none available for sale in Australia. How has this been going on for 5 years or more and still not resolved??

Mine is caused by no longer having a gallbladder, I had it removed in 2010. There's a medication called cholestyramine that is normally prescribed for cholesterol that binds to the fat molecules and helps you digest it better. Though it's had manufacturing issues since 2019 and I'm still struggling to get a script filled, at least here in Australia it's difficult anyway. So I generally don't treat it and just suffer because I'm not willing to change my diet.

You sure it's just lactose intolerance? Butter has very minimal lactose in it in general, that sounds like the reaction I have to certain fats which is a bile acid malabsorption issue.

That's from the Jester Event that was a couple of months ago. It's a Jack in the box, but I don't remember seeing the zombie version at the time! Must have slipped past my notice.

My friends who are parents repost this blindly saying "This is so me!" Then turn around and do the exact same thing to their kids. I don't understand how they have such clear memories of this happening to them as children but are unable to see themselves doing it to theirs.

Another vote for Bernie's, definitely the place to go for diversity!

As a disabled woman who can stand up for herself I'm pretty bloody tempted. Probs not the safest idea though.

I got a really bad post op infection from this bacteria a few years ago, didn't know it was so common!

Speak for yourself, my legs would absolutely explode if I walked 3kms!

Starting to think they're fake, I can't find any mention of them anywhere official.

Alternaleaf is completely out of stock of all edibles currently and won't have any for another 8 weeks or so. I had a follow up consult on Friday so I'm directly quoting the doctor here. Following this thread to find recommendations of clinics that have the edibles in stock cos I don't trust the timeline Alternaleaf gave!

I'm still mad that they didn't include a Ruby Tuesday/Ruby Sunday throwaway pun in that episode. It would have been cheesy as all hell and everyone probably would have hated it except me but I still wanted it!

Gosh I was hoping for Groff to start singing as well at that point. I knew it wasn't gonna happen, but I'd give my left foot for a Doctor Who musical episode with Jonathon Groff!!