You can't stop a cat wanting food, you just have to get better at putting stuff away

She's still a baby, she just wants to play. The biting is because she didn't get that crucial couple of months play fighting with her siblings. Just gently move her away and say no if she's doing something you don't like. It's important to play with her and let her burn up energy. She's not trying to annoy you, she's just being a kitten. She loves you. You're all she's got.

He is gently reminding you that it is not in fact Christmas and you need to fetch his summer wardrobe

Either his cat flap is a bit on the small side or you have fvcking massive mice....

Blue eyed white cats are nearly always deaf , the others are fine. Mine could hear the fridge door open from a mile away

Been playing this a lot recently. It feels very apt.

  • I don't think the symbol in the OP looks anything like a swastika /Hakenkreuz

TG certainly had a fascination with nazi Germany - they had an album called Music from the Death Camp, a song called Zyklon B Zombies and I'm sure I remember an interview/photo session at Auschwitz. It was a different time though, I think as a society we were still processing some of this stuff and some of this worked the same way sick humour does. And I think they were all art students? Pearce bothers me more, though I have heard it suggested he doesn't really believe in the political stance he espouses , it's just part of his image. Not sure what's worse...

40/10 , minus 5 for riding without a helmet

Your neighbour shot him?! Was he charged?

I was thinking maybe Springsteen? There was something about it being the last chance to see them

You say you upgraded your apartment, was that something you both wanted, or was it mainly your idea? Did you have a discussion about it beforehand? Did you encourage her to move to be with you, or was it mostly her own idea?

I was told it doesn't make any difference? Was told they take it into account when they're reviewing intervals for the lights but doesn't have an immediate effect?

Never saw them live, did have one of their t-shirts though. They had a song I really liked, think it was called ' Uncle ' ?

They're frowned upon because of the fashion for people to carry cats around in them for hours, and take them places cats don't want to go, just to get social media likes. I think using it as an emergency back up is different

Maybe, but perhaps he was just trying to concentrate on what he was doing. I could see the OP's point if it was twenty minutes, but TWO minutes?! And why leave the air pod on the train?

You were kicking up a fuss because the train was two minutes late leaving? Are you new to London? To the UK ?

Looks like he's gossiping about the neighbours