I left mine for 8 days, unplugged any accessories, no sentry mode, didn't check it, charged to 90%. Lost 2 miles

I'm here with you! Took Dramamine, had ginger candies, hydrated, sea bands, the works. Got to the globe part and it didn't matter where I looked, closed my eyes, what I did I was done for the rest of the day. Won't ride it again no matter what my family says. Also I Ran was a great song for it

Whipped cream. My dog comes running every time she hears the can and because she's my cat's favorite she has to do everything she does.

I remember the first time I did this I thought how boring. It is now a must do every single trip. Love it so much

Out-of-state first time passholder, we've been 3 times so we've definitely gotten our money's worth ticket wise. That said, just getting back last week (6/20-26) honestly it wasn't great. Crowds were bad. Being disabled but no longer qualifying for DAS made Genie+ a requirement which is ok but no FastPass. Having no Magical Express is kinda sad but Lyft is pretty good and if you have more than 3 passengers more economical than Mears.

My biggest gripe was the Cast Members and before anyone loses it let me explain: the very best part of Disney is the CMs. They are what makes the magic. This trip they seemed so tired, disenchanted, over it. Between guests, the oppressive heat and low pay I can only imagine that takes a toll. Prices have only gone up and are going higher. Booked the bounce back for next spring break and for 8 days at Pop it's $2900 assuming we don't buy tickets. That price when we started going in 2017 was 10 days and 3 tickets. I get inflation but they are offering less. I wouldn't even mind it if it was going to the CMs. Disney, if you're reading this do right by those who are truly the reason we go.

Ours is up in August and I'm really not sure if we're renewing. Seeing as it went up again. Can't justify the value anymore

During the Festival of the Holidays one of the booths does Latino/Hispanic Christmas dishes. Coquito, Pernil etc. It's, fine. If you happen to be there it's a nice Americanized facsimile

All the time? Like every summer. They would take their annual Vegas trip. They took us twice but otherwise they would just leave us.


Essentially: a prehuman race and extraterrestrial beings lived in harmony until the Fire Nation... Whoops sorry wrong lore.... Until humans discovered them. The Great Ones, as they're known, returned home with exception of one who the humans would use it's blood to create a remedy to an ongoing plague. Sadly, while the blood did heal, another plague arose, the Beast plague. It is your duty as The Hunter, who has received this blood to hunt beasts and end The Hunt.

That won't be so easy as you discover aside from the Blood, there was another school of thinking: to gain insight you would need Eyes. The intellectuals would splinter into two factions, The Healing Church and The School of Byrgenworth. Both committed atrocities against humans, the prehumans and the Great Ones to the point their sins were punished with curses: the Hunter's Dream and Nightmare and the Beast Plague are all a result of their Malfeasance. As you journey you will uncover more secrets, tragic ones and decide for yourself if you will end the Hunt or ascend.

Over 800 credit, paid off mortgage with inheritance, dropped below 750. The system amirite?

ER DLC is basically a sequel to it and gives Bloodborne vibes. Enjoying it when I'm not putting my head or my controller through a wall

First, virtual hugs. Don't think anyone's life is perfect. In spite of my good fortune now, I still deal with depression, anxiety, PTSD and OCD. I was definitely one of the biggest losers in high school which kept me motivated to do better but left me with so many emotional scars. Combine that with a mom who was a narcissist and it got BAD. One day at a time.

Also, if you find a job with a pension, grab it! There are so few anymore and having that combined with 401k and SS will keep you secure in your older years.

My mantra is "just keep swimming" because "this too shall pass" wasn't working because things kept happening. Keep swimming, keep moving, keep fighting!


Mine are definitely not lap cats. They are dog cats♥️

My daughter had her first heartbreak and I told her "honey you're crying now but you'll be laughing in no time." Funny how wisdom comes with age

Preach, 46F just got knee replaced and honestly it's still been the best. Now if only I had my 18yo youth and energy it would be perfect

It's me. I'm the loser. Married 26 years, 2 awesome kids, own house and God willing in five years, collecting a pension. If I could just go back to kid me and tell her school isn't real life and it was going to be ok.

Took me 3 days. I almost gave up then something just clicked