It’s my 45 minute each way commute bike and my first bike. So learning curve, I ordered front and rear fenders.

Look for zombie hand mirrors by kurikan or however it is spelled, I got them and the levers.

Trying to find a good fender kit so far bluecollarbobbers and Bobbercycle are the only two I have been able to find. And yea I have yet to ride in the rain, I have been using it for my 45 minute each way commute to work in metro Detroit. So any weather above 35 and clear I’m out trying to learn.

It’s a Honda Shadow

Thank you! Love my little 750 shadow

37 hours of play time, have yet to complete my first mission the vast majority of my time is sitting at the servers at capacity…

I’m not going to tell you what to do, I’d advise you to do the same with me. I’m not defending anyone in case you missed it earlier I stated I don’t agree with it. Yet here you are telling me how what I’m doing is wrong…. Thanks for imposing your views on someone else. All I am saying the assholes have a right to express their opinions, same as you it’s up to you to decide if you want to be the bigger person and walk away. I hope you have a blessed day

Everyone even the assholes has a right to their opinion. They can even express it even if you don’t like it.

As an owner of many consoles I went and got a gaming pc and guess what it’s so much easier then playing with a controller… you can quick scope so much faster and snipe way more effectively on kbm than controller

If that’s the case then why are hate groups allowed to protest etc.

Is it though? In the TOS do we agree to SBMM and EOMM? Do we agree with playing with bots “to better our experience of the game” all in hopes we purchase skins from the store? And my comment is not saying you are bigoted. I’m saying some people are and it just isn’t my place to judge them. I’ve recently had someone in a lobby be racist towards me I just muted them. Reason being it that’s persons beliefs, or maybe they just had a bad day. I’ve had similar experiences in life I mute them there to, it’s just words and they only hurt if you are weak enough to allow them to. Either way that’s just my personal feelings and I might not be right but those are my feelings I just wanted to explain better if I offended you. I hope you have a great day.

While I don’t necessarily endorse those words I do respect someone else’s right to say them. I don’t like them I don’t agree with them I’m just not bigoted enough to say it’s right or wrong.

Ranked play is the place for this not public lobbies

I laugh when I hear some mental midget say unicorn hunting is bad. I know a full triad that’s been together 20+ years F/M/F. I asked the gentleman his secret, he said it’s a 50/50 thing he treats them both the same, And they in return do it as well. When they started off they looked for their unicorn for a LTR. They’ve been together ever since. If all above parties are consensual in what they want, who am I to judge if it’s bad or not…

Just make sure you follow the two golden rules, Treat everyone how you want to be treated. And I honestly don’t care what others think of me because I don’t even like me, it makes for continuing improvement.

And honestly forget words judge people by actions, they always speak louder

That’s sad, don’t judge all of us married folk some of us out there just want to share the over abundance of love we have equally. I hope your search goes smoothly for you

You as a person establish your own worth, you genuinely seem like a kind soul. I hope you realize your amazing worth!