This was told by one of the supervisors at a nuclear launch site in Ukraine (currently a museum). Ukraine definitely had the capability to re-program the missiles and launch without Moscow.

Missiles themselves were produced in Ukraine, uranium was also mined in Ukraine

Hopefully that terrorist will be either jailed, deported or dead. He has no place to be in Mariupol or in Ukraine in general.

When will I be able to remove all the bullshit cards from the settings homepage? I don't want to add an MS account, I made my choice

It's not local, it's relevant because that isn't a regular office building, but a scientific research institute + production that makes radios electronic equipment for russian military

Wdym? Windows 11 still has "All Apps" list in start menu

Originally (before occupation) that site was operated by Ukraine and used by Roscosmos to communicate with russian ISS segment and other spacecraft, explicitly for civilian use. After occupation, obviously it was turned into another military site.

Mate, how much yuan do you get for these comments? Literally whole cities built and nobody lives there.

And here's one a Chinese company has started building in Malaysia, also empty and abandoned:

Most of Chinese real estate are unfinished and empty apartment buildings, nobody lives there, people just buy them and hold as an asset to sell later

I mean, there's Start Menu already, which has had application list since Windows 95, why change?

At least they can afford one now, unlike during shuttle or Apollo days

This is actually reported to be across the border in the Belgorod region

Kaspersky is not only built in russia, but they also work with the military. Check out AlabugaLeaks part 2.

I used to go to the place where they were, it's in my city. It sucks to lose them, but probably for the better.

I think it's pretty obvious at this point that US and Germany don't wanna see Ukraine in NATO at all, until there will be some benefit for them, or when they realized that russia is a nothingburger, not a bear.

Private military-political club is a private club after all.

Blazor will not work without WebView, so if you plan to have a watch app - stick to Avalonia

Good. Xbox marketing has been completely shit since One (2013), especially outside of the US

Пошёл нахуй уебан. русским шавкам место у параши вместе с вашим ебаным фюрером

As always with russia and ussr, "diplomacy" is a front for spying and pushing their own agenda/propaganda

Those videos are russian propaganda/fake and have nothing to do with reality. Nobody has given F-15s to Ukraine

That was a day ago, tonight one was launched at Starokonstyantyniv, it was not intercepted

April Fools Day 2018

For 500 dollars you should send a physical, high quality, half meter high version of that model together with the digital one. It's absolutely insane how much greed Riot has.

Basically a WYSIWYG documentation editor, with non-textual content blocks. I need this functionality to be able to serialize and copy stuff around (i.e. one format is regular text, so can be pasted in a plain text editor, and another format specific for my editor)