Exactly. They don't get to play out their fetish in front of you or your children. You don't consent.

Its gross behavior.

I can see why you felt like you were in crazy town.

Ungodly woman unyoke thyself from this hypocrite. Let him plant his seed upon a fertile and godly woman.

Girl let the out of work "christian" go. Find yourself an equal partner with similar values.

Looks like it's just young men who are questioning your story. No surprise there. Young women getting harrassed by older men happens everyday. I'm sure he felt entitled. I mean how many similar stories have we heard from other women in our lives?

Not wrong. You can just tell him you are no longer pregnant. He can make his own decisions about what occurred.

In today's environment you, unfortunately, need to be careful with you share this information, even your best friend may accidentally say something and then it's out there.

You made a tough decision. Maybe look into some counseling to help you process all of these feelings.

They were attached to your home so they must belong to you, also consider it payment for use of your electricity.

Wow. My husband shared that he was in a business meeting and saw head lice moving in someone's hair across the table. He was stunned and stopped paying attention to anything going on in the meeting.

He said his coworker asked him afterwards what happened because "you just stopped talking or interacting. "

Husband said "I was shook and couldn't believe what I was seeing." And then went on to say one of the visiting business partners had active head lice.

Coworker was aghast.

Like what do you say or do

On the personal front. I started checking my niece's hair outside my home after she brought head lice into my house twice. My sister in law was pissed. Tried to say we gave it to her. My husband was not having it and told his sister off and said if you want us to watch her clean up your place and treat the head lice.

NTA, this is fraud. You can be disqualified for some jobs if caught.

Even if she is eligible for benefits she is knowingly collecting them from the wrong state, using false rent receipts etc.

My SIL was collecting benefits she was entitled to but she didn't do it correctly much like your MIL, she was arrested and had to pay it back, she also was disqualified from receiving some benefits because of it.

Also when we run background checks at work we look for government fraud because we receive government grants, we can't pay employees who have committed fraud against the government with monies from grants so you will not be hired.

NTA, he's shown who he is. Evict his ass now.

They used a doppler last time I had an IV placed. Saved me so much pain. My first 2 IVs blow every time.

I worked residential for years. The "Christian" adoption parents were always the worst. ALWAYS! They were overly strict, punitive, abusive, trying to "save" the children with Jesus and prayers but turning them back in and signing away guardianship as soon as things got too tough or they were told they couldn't use corporal punishment etc.

Freaking hated anytime we had to interact with the sanctimonious families.

NTA, family vacations are important time for you and your kids to connect.

That is all. It has nothing to.do with cars or extra kids or money or anything. Just time for you to spend with your kids.

No advice but we avoid the lakes on the 4th for this reason among many others.

It sucks but that weekend or week surrounding the 4th is just a horrible time to be at the cabin.

It's become a bacchanalian of fast boats, fireworks until 2am, drunken loud mouths and horrible traffic.

Had to use black or blue ink on all logs. Even internal overnight logs that only other staff read because they may be used in court. I worked at a residential center. Assistant Director said they wouldn't be legal documents or be able to be presented in court if they weren't in black or blue ink or if I didn't initial something in black or blue ink.

I.said no judge will throw something out because of the color of the ink unless the document specifically states it needs to be signed in black or blue ink, ours don't.

AND that was done because of how certain machines read and processed forms back in the day.

She still insisted on it. Boomer mentality.

I.was using purple ink, it was fun.

He's just mad that he didn't get caught in Utah because there he can start applying for parole at like 10 months in. They have the most f ed up system.

The things you learn after being obsessed with the 8 passengers abuse trial.

Fell down the rabbit hole.

Just watched a video of a guy in a parole hearing, 10 months into his sentence for a violent r$pe and assault he's already getting a chance for parole. His poor victim has to show up every damn time to testify and this asshat got the chance to berate her for not moving on in her life.

I have a target version that was on clearance. Works just the same. And I have only one because I have only one mouth.

I saw this same story, genders were reversed and she wasn't pregnant.

One of them was obviously a copy cat.

OMG. I was going to write. "Georgia O'Keeffe called and wants her painting back."

Exactly, he was a private citizen when he committed those crimes. A PRIVATE CITIZEN.

Thanks for selling out to the country.

NTA, but they sound like they all are stuck in high school. Who the hell has time for that kind of immaturity and drama? I'd go low contact with all of them because, ewwww.

Send obnoxious grandchild to live with them to make her life hell. Make sure she knows that said grandchild is the light of grandpa's life and "can do no wrong " in his eyes.

Make sure the grandchild knows their assignment is to make this woman lose her mind much like the movie "Parent Trap." Sneaky but high deniability.

Hiding her things in different places, losing slightly important things, making her late for appointments, intercepting phone calls, dropping hints among her friends that she said some shit about them, forgetting she hates a certain food or smell etc etc etv