To each their own, I enjoyed the cast a lot and found it a nice change from the usual suspects. Also very refreshing to have double female cast in e-sports

:twistedminds: Twisted Minds Fan

Very fun series, finally finished watching. It´s rare to have a close finish with 3 teams after that many games.

:twistedminds: Twisted Minds Fan

It was crazy both ways. SGD got 10 pts on the last day, but TB got 77 and BLD even got 86, which is nuts.

:twistedminds: Twisted Minds Fan

Yeah he had some weird moments in PGS where he was super passive despite having free shots, and then getting knocked for nothing.

I started playing on an older PC and was mind blown when I saw it on my friends (better) PC for the first time. Imo there are few games where the difference between average and high graphic settings is this big, it really goes from "hm is this really the best they could do?" to "this is absolutely gorgeous!".

:twistedminds: Twisted Minds Fan

Check Batulins on twitch, I think that was the official Twis POV

:twistedminds: Twisted Minds Fan

I was ready to turn off the stream after game 15 lol. Crazy how everything turned around the next 2 games. So happy for Twis.

Great 3 weeks from EA, I´m not surprised the pressure got to them on the final day, and the Erangel circles didn´t do them any favour. Still they had a great showing, reminds me a bit of ACE last year, when they played so far out that even other edge teams were caught off guard by their arrival.

Also very happy to see TSM back up there.

:twistedminds: Twisted Minds Fan

So who´s winning this? CES seems like the easy answer, looking great once again in the groupstage. SQ isn´t here, TWIS can´t be trusted to finish it, who else will fight for the top? I guess NH and Pero will have a good finals, and one of the other EMEA teams (could be anyone really) fighting for top 4 at least.

Nah there are many more factors at play.

  • First there is missing info, like knights having additional armor (mentioned in the text, but not the graphic). Also unique upgrades for many units.

  • If you attack once with higher damage, ur attack is only reduced by armor once. If you attack twice with lower damage, armor reduces it twice. That´s already a reason why you can´t just double OOTD unit damage. The graphic bases on a target with 0 armor, which isn´t a realistic scenario.

  • If you fight 2x 100 hp units, you need to deal 100 damage to half their dps. If you fight 1x 200 hp unit, there is no dps reduction when you deal 100 damage.

Then there is stuff like pathing, uptime for melee units, overkill for ranged units etc. For an actual comparison you need to simulate fights in the game.

I know the date, duh.

It can be a grind, but it's still miles ahead of the trash wars in AoE2. So nerfing gold is not the way imo.

:twistedminds: Twisted Minds Fan

I wish Seoul was still on a good team, he would absolutely contest that spot. Even was 1st on Fantasy after day one of groups, but u can´t get far with the current DK roster.

:twistedminds: Twisted Minds Fan

"Across chat" is a terrible argument, cause it´s a bunch of SQ fans spamming "TM rats lucky", or a bunch of SQ haters spamming the opposite. Finding a fact based opinion in Twitch chat is rare. Both teams got their shifts, but also generally did a great job of playing unfavourable circles as well.

  • French Imperial

  • Rus Feudal & Castle

  • Byzantine Feudal & Imperial

  • HRE Imperial

My favourites in no particular order

Why didn't they play extra time at 2:1 (3:3)? Are they stupid?