When the aliens arrive and demand we send a representative to face them in a 1v1 chug-off, humanity's champion will be ready.

Parmesan is a cheese which from her point of view is only ever sprinkled, so it makes sense for it to be inherently sprinkly. Sprinkly cheese.

Cheddar by contrast is a cheese first and foremost, and only sometimes a sprinkle, so it is cheese in sprinkle form, cheese sprinkles.

Her brain might break though if you gave her a block of parm to eat though.

No, the math doesn't check out.

Defining corporate subsidies is a difficult thing, because it often comes down to trying to figure out what the correct amount of taxes a company should pay is, and then calculating from there the difference in what they pay and what they do pay. The subsidies are rarely coming in the form of direct payments, they're coming in the form of tax breaks.

One of the big ones is carbon taxes. CO2 emissions harm the public welfare, there should be a cost attached to emitting CO2. That cost not being paid can reasonably be construed as a form of subsidy.

But it's very difficult to know what the exactly correct value of a CO2 tax would be, we don't have a specific number for how many dollars per ton it should be, we have a rough estimate. And even rougher still, we don't know how much of that tax would ultimately be incident on an oil and gas company vs, say, someone just driving a car.

So the claim that this person has calculated that a person making $50k a year is handing $4k to corporate subsidies 1) Misrepresents the way these subsidies work (your money isn't going to them, they just aren't chipping in the amount they should theoretically owe), and also seems very much off in terms of magnitude (even though the math is fuzzy in this area because of how many arbitrary decisions you can make in determining the size of the subsidy, $4k still seems like far too high an estimate).

It's a complicated thing that gets dumbed down for soundbites and misleading statistics.

For example: lets say you're a utility with a lot of coal plants. The CO2 you emit has a social cost, but we don't tax you for that cost. In many accountings, that's a subsidy in the form of a tax break.

That's what forms the bulk of the 'subsidy' received by oil and natural gas companies whenever a stat like that is thrown around. And the subsidy might be huge, depending on what you think the default tax on carbon emissions should be.

The impression that people want to give when they use stats like that is to claim we're handing a big ole check to oil and gas companies every year. We aren't, of course. But the stat itself is still arguably correct.

I suspect OP is making the mistake of blurring the lines between the "didn't tax them when we shoulda" sort of subsidies with the more direct "hand em money" sort of subsidies. Your tax dollars aren't being handed to a corporation, not to the tune of $4k/year. But because the math is fuzzy, you could argue that corporations aren't chipping in an amount that would add up to $4000.

I doubt it's actually $4k in this instance, that seems like a pretty absurdly sized figure they pulled from thin air, but the amount probably isn't zero either.

Is this a big troll or am I missing it?

You're probably missing it.

Why is x/2 a range of numbers in this?

It isn't. So she could define C. But C is still correct.

If x=2 then x/2=1?

And 2 is a value that C can take, which is why her answer is technically correct.

I don't see any operation that introduces an unbound constant here

Which is part of the humor of the joke.

That's like saying 1+1=C.

C can equal 2, yes.

Do you know what that constant means?

Four degrees from MIT, yeah, I think I know what C is.

No, you're the one saying that the X looking like a C is relevant

Yes, because it is.

It isn't.

It is. It becoming C makes the equation technically correct.

The joke is literally just:

Teacher: Divide the X in 2. Girl: Erases half the X. Teacher: ..that was genius.

No, the joke is that she erased half the X which gave a technically correct answer. That answer being C.

Your interpretation makes zero sense, there would be no reason for the girl to be graduating from college. The C being significant explains that: because in college-level math, she'd be correct.

If you'd ever taken a college-level math class in your life, it would be obvious to you how wrong your interpretation is. The significance of C would be obvious.

You don't have to take my word for it though, the author of the comic has literally explained the joke, and it's my explanation, not yours.

Yes, I'm the one who understands that, the guy I'm replying to is the one who doesn't.

I don't think it's gonna happen, but if it does the nice thing is that with the baby boom dying off, second-hand stores are going to be chock full of stuff for the thrifty.

It literally isn't it. The fact she erases half the X and leaves behind a C is significant, and anyone who's taken higher math understands this.

So you think the fact she erases half of the X and it becomes a C means nothing?

How then do you explain the fourth panel?

"It was rhetorical, because I'm right!"

Then that rhetoric sure backfired because he was perfectly capable of explaining how it was relevant.

The point of the joke is that telling people who are bad at math "7+x = 7x" confuses them. It's a meme. The girlfriend is dumping him because she's tired of being sent dumb memes.

the joke simply is that the boy thinks 7 + x equals 7x, which is obviously not true

You are incorrect, you've failed to understand both the joke and basic mathematics.

Anyone who solves for x missed the joke completely

No, whether or not they get the joke has nothing to do with it-- they're solving for x because mathematically illiterate people like you keep claiming that 7+x=7x is "obviously not true."

is it a horrible joke and not very funny

This is a sign that you didn't get the joke.

Don’t really know why literally everyone in the comment section are solving for x…

They're solving it to demonstrate to you that your understanding of the joke is nonsensical. Please retake algebra.

the equation can be interpreted in 2 different ways

LOL, sure if you say so.

Bad internet troll is bad.

It’s an ambiguous equation

Surely must be trolling.

Please tell me how getting 0.16666… is simple to derive for the average person.

Doesn't even post the correct value for X, MUST be trolling.

The person I replied to literally said that.

They did not. They were exasperated at people who thought the guy's math skills were bad.

There's this wonderful thing called "context." You'll need to learn about it if you hope to develop reading comprehension someday. I don't have the time or crayons to explain it to you, stay in school.

If you say so, internet troll :)

If the point of the joke is that the guy is "dumb,"

It is in a sense, but not because his math is bad. It's because he's meme-ing / has weak memes. The math is perfectly fine, which is what he's saying.

then saying that everyone who got the joke is dumb

No, that's obviously not what's being said. The people saying the guy's math is bad did NOT get the joke. Saying they are wrong about the math being bad is not missing the point of the joke, it's pointing out that they're clueless about the nature of the joke.

seems a strong indicator that someone may have missed the point.

The fact that you think the joke is about the guy's math being wrong seems a strong indicator that you are clueless about what the joke is here.

Makes me wonder if OP was a bot. They often repost upvoted stuff to other subs, regardless of whether it fits.

It says in the title of the graphic that it's the most optimistic scenario, and in the footnote it explains that it excludes all overhead costs.

It isn't that high in practice.

Why on earth would you think airlines were profitable? They've been struggling financially for decades, it's in the news constantly.

It's artificially high because, as the graphic says, this is a cherry-picked breakdown of the "most profitable 10 hour flight" and it ignores all overhead costs.

It's the first one. It's a 'puzzle' that confuses people who are terrible at math, they respond by saying "X=1."

The woman is tired of being shown memes for dumb people, she is leaving him for someone with a stronger meme game.

Why do you claim he missed the point of the joke? All he's doing is pointing out the incorrectness of many of the answers here.