That was a wild ride šŸ˜‚

I tried doing this on a train a week ago and yeah didnā€™t go as I planned lol

[CHAT] half cross stitchCHAT

So Iā€™ve looked up previous post but canā€™t find the answer. Iā€™m doing a pattern that calls for half cross stitch but doesnā€™t give any indication on what direction. Do I just pick a direction myself? For context it is going to be the sky

I had a little only lady pull out a basket of hats she knitted and told me to take one. I still wear it every winter

Promos yeah right havenā€™t seen those in ages

Had a great day today! Reminded me of better times

Go to the head icon and under batch eligibility you can turn it off. They arenā€™t worth the hassle to me

Like Water For Chocolate pretty quick read and definitely magical realism

I love how you used the word slowly in the title for speedy Gonzalez lol. Looks great!

I got it and I have alcohol orders turned off so o assume everyone received it

I working on a Christmas one too glad itā€™s not just me lol

This one has been terrified of the back stitching

I received this but they have already been doing this in my market

In hindsight probably not the best choice for my first cross stitch but Iā€™ve learned a lot and am still proud. She is messy but I feel accomplished. Kooler Design Studios off

I played 8 with my son but I think we used our ps4

Iā€™m going to be honest and probably down voted by why people insist on contacting customer service over this perplexes me. They canā€™t do anything about it and probably donā€™t know themselves

My favorite is Burn but thatā€™s probably not a popular answer.