Getting down voted but you are correct. 

Until recently Cupid and Hercules were much more common than Eros and Heracles. 

The History of Ancient Greece is great for an overall view of history and mythology. 

Only the Acropolis has timed entry.  Every other site is whenever.  Whatever time you pick is only the day and time for the Acropolis.  

You must enter at that time. 

You get like 5 days in total to do every other site.

Slaves had some rights.  

In Athens Hubris I believe was illegal even with slaves. Hitting slaves were illegal . 

I imagine canabilism, the ultimate taboo would not be allowed. 

Got guides to all my archeological sites. The stories from those sites are what makes it worth going to.  Otherwise they are just rocks. 

Maybe go to Disneyland then.

I think it's worth it for people on a cruise, there for 1 day. Might only see the roman Agora from the bus and it takes you to Athens from the port.

Otherwise walk/metro.

2 days is barely enough time for Athens. Do the Acropolis, Agora, National Archeological Museum, visit Plaka and maybe the Roman Agora and that's 2 days. 

If you want to try and venture out go to Sounion. 

Eros - god of love and fertility 

Pothos - god of passion

Imeros - god of erotic desire

Anteros - god of unrequited love and reciprocal love

Hymenaios - God of Marriage 

Aphrodite- god of Lust and Beauty 

Not supposed to drink water on the islands. 

Depends on what you want from your trip. Idk about you, but my trip to Greece will be the only one in my life. Do it while you are there or never do it is my opinion. If history is important to you,  then go for it.

You'll be fine. When I went to school in England (when they were in the EU) France let me in for a discount. You'll be fine with a school ID.

Acropolis and Agora, Acropolis Museum would be what I'd do.