It's more that it isn't economical. I'm sure we could automate it but the cost would be too high so we use simpler machines to make lace that is similar but not exact.

Sorted by controversial in the original thread the only one that was racist was someone saying they named a similar betta "Privilege". I'm assuming the worst ones were removed by the mods.

But Obama golfed a lot too!!! /s

...on a military base that didn't require tons of extra security and was within driving/helicopter distance of DC and no one had to stay overnight.

My dad used to take the saying a bit further "Are we going Dutch?" "yes" "Alright, I'm Dutch so you pay."

I should note, we're barely Dutch, our family came over like 5 or 6 generations ago so we're mutts now, the only thing Dutch about us is our last name.

I came from /r/all but I'm glad to see mods on so many subs cracking down on stuff like this.

They must be a time traveler from the 70s or 80s.

I watched a few episodes of Happy Endings recently and she was/is still a knock out, think the last season of it she's 38.

:chc2: Chicago Cubs

Alright, no stocking pride month gear prior to June 1st and no stocking Christmas items until December 25th.

TIL supporting people's orientation is political.

:chc2: Chicago Cubs

Why aren't people promoting Christmas in June?!? /s

Though that is kind of a bad example because stores are stocked with Christmas stuff from October-December.

I don't speak Japanese but that one sounded like "I'm reading the phonetic spelling of Japanese words off a prompter".


They were vegan wings.


It's actually happened quite a bit over the last few episodes. Kinda feel bad for Shawn tbh.

I mean at idle it should be fine (I'm assuming idle+zoom~=idle) but yeah. Neither of my computers are really pulling much at all, but I have heard of people in my hobby (speaker building) having to rewire for amplifiers and the like.

I have a QSC RMX-1450 amp for my sub that can put out 1400W (sub can only handle 500W RMS 1000W peak) and a receiver that can do ~100W per channel on 7 channels. My UPS was getting angry with me when I pushed everything hard because I was at ~1300W total one night.... it was one of those "I paid for the whole speedometer so I'm going to use the whole speedometer" kind of nights.

While I get that you're joking but were encroaching on the power limits of most NA sockets already. Most home sockets/circuits are 120V/15A so the most you can get is 1800W and that includes everything else connected to that circuit. So unless NVIDIA expects people to rewire their house or run an extension cable from a different room they don't have much headroom at this point.

From what I recall from reading about the experiment ages ago, they were solely experimenting with temperament. I think the smell is just innate to the species, even in cats and dogs their smell/pee is fairly distinct. It might be able to be bred out of them but I'm not certain it's entirely possible, I'm not a biologist.

:chc2: Chicago Cubs

Gotcha, I didn't look at the full stat line just got updates on my phone.

Print is the term for the standard type of handwriting with separate letters rather than combined like cursive. It doesn't mean that it was printed on a printing press or printer. The printing press was named after that style of handwriting since it only worked with a "print" typeface.

They did this with foxes, only breeding the most docile ones together and eventually they got to very docile after a few generations. They also ended up looking basically like dogs (shorter snouts, floppier ears, etc.). The experiment also bred the most aggressive ones with each other and made hyper aggressive foxes.

They are docile but still very terrible pets, from what I've seen online even the "indoor" ones people keep tend to piss inside and fox piss is incredibly smelly. The traits they breed them to have tend to just make them look like dogs.... so just get a dog.

Print is the word you're looking for. "Small Letters" makes basically zero sense in this case.

I found it odd that a lot of younger people can't touch type, I'm not remotely the best (maybe mid 80's to 90 WPM) and have some bad habits (use my thumb for m and n) but if someone gave me a keyboard with no markings but had nubs for the f and j keys I could type most everything out (number keys and special characters I do look). It seems alien to me that people need to look at the keyboard to type basic things though.

:chc2: Chicago Cubs

I mean we did put up 6 tonight not exactly a poor showing.

English is goofy and this person definitely doesn't know the intricacies. Not sure if they are a russian troll or just didn't pass 6th grade english.