It's not like these people don't have places to be. I find it much more likely that they're doing normal person things. North Koreans are allowed to be outside, it's not like they're put in prison cells when they're not at work.

Same in Denmark. Our politicians can't recieve money directly, but if they were to be hired to do a talk at some company retreat, that's completely fine

Many places are named after something that doesn't fit. "Land of the free" for example.

How about actually showing us what you see through the glasses? Bad ad

It's for children. They often get unhappy when shopping, but pop a potato in the bastard and they calm down real quick!

The sub is dickriding him hard. Nothing you can say will make them change their mind.

However, OP said they don't even have an overenskomst. The union rate also gives overtime pay, ekstra pay after certain hours and whatever.

Did you try clicking on the "find possible solutions to this problem"?

Min gamle mester var formand for et eller andet råd eller bestyrelse eller noget der arbejdede med skolen i forhold til lærepladser. Det var relativt ofte han tog en lærling ind som var blevet fyret uberettiget, indtil lærlingen kunne finde et andet sted, eller fik fast læreplads alt efter om der var plads.

Jeg ved ikke om det er sådan det fungerer alle steder, men det kan godt være skolen kan hjælpe i et tilfælde som det her.

My downstairs neighbour who complains my guineapig is too noisy.

USA is such a hypocrit about all this. Last time USA was attacked they bombed anyone and everyone who could move. Civilians didn't matter to them. They even dragged their allies into the war.

The previous time, about 80 years ago, they dropped 2 of the deadliest weapons to ever be used in a war, but Ukraine can't bomb Moscow? Fuck that....

Probably. The comments are nauseating. I saw a post the other day titled something like: "Stewie brought me back to CS, I had completely given up on this game". Jesus christ.... Even if I paid someone, I wouldn't expect that level of bullshit.

Also a lot of comments about how he has always been an absolute god and the best at the game like... Have they even looked at his stats?

Well you come off as a very nuanced person huh? Either everyone agrees with you, or they're idiots? Get over yourself...

He could potetentially get 4 years, but don't hold your breath.